Growing up in Indiana, I was predisposed to love Indiana Jones. Of course, even without the home state shout-out, the series still would be among my all-time favorite action films. You can’t beat its combination of a classic serialized adventure story coupled with big action, bigger laughs and possibly the biggest action hero of all time. Fine – I admit it – I might have had just a little grade-school crush on Harrison Ford. And – to be fair – he totally had the hat, bullwhip and leather working for him. But I’ve also always enjoyed Indy’s leading ladies, particularly Marion Ravenwood. She was not just feisty, she was ballsy. She could out drink, out deck and out smart any guy – even Professor Jones. And that voice, heavens. It turned grown men like
Newsweek writer David A. Kaplan into gushing fanboys. Seriously, in this week’s issue he wrote what boils down to an extraordinarily well-written piece of fan mail. So now, 27 years later, Karen Allen is back as Marion and looking as fantastic as ever. And when I say fantastic, I mean fantastic.

As much as I’m happy to see Indy dust off his fedora, this time around I’m more excited to see Karen and new villainess Cate Blanchett donning a Ruskie uniform and “moose and squirrel” accent. (I kid, I kid – I’m sure her accent won’t be all Rocky & Bullwinkle. She has an Oscar, dammit.) Baddie Cate is so delicious I want to eat it with a very small spoon to make it last longer.

So, it’s with a childlike enthusiasm that I’ll go to the theater this weekend. Heck, it’ll be all I can do to not hum the whole time. Duh-duh-duh-duh, dun-dun-dun! Duh-duh-duh-duh, dun-dun-dundundun!
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