My favorite thing about that spot? Carrie and Miranda’s costume conversation.
Miranda: The only two choices for women: witch and sexy kitten.
Carrie: Oh, you just said a mouthful there, sister.
Snort! Funny, truthful and with just enough sisterhood is powerful to make me not feel guilty.
Though, I have to say my anticipation for the film has gone from “I can’t wait!” to “I want it now!” thanks to the new series of TV spots.
I’ve decided, very belatedly, that Goldfrapp makes everything better. For serious. Just listen. How can you not dance to that? How, I ask you, how?
God, how much do I wish this song was on the soundtrack instead of Fergie’s horrific “Labels of Love”? (You’re going to have to click the link, because I refuse to let that song pollute this space.) All songs with more than two product placements should be banned from the face of the planet. Forever. It may even ruin the SATC theme song for me if it becomes a hit. Make. It. Stop.
As a palate cleaner, how about that dress Cynthia was rocking at the SAT London premiere? Why hello, ladies. How are you today?p.s. Yes, I realize Sarah Jessica Parker’s hat is madness. I’m just going to pretend a fan gave her flowers and she couldn’t think of another place to put them.
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