The thing is she is also what the kids today would call thick. Now, I have to agree with other wise women of the web who come down against calling women thick. It makes us sound dense and/or like a Porterhouse. Neither of which are particularly flattering and/or appropriate. What I will say is that Sara is a woman who looks like a woman, and there ain’t much sexier than that.
There also ain’t much sexier than the kiss Sara and Brooke Smith had in the Grey’s finale. Lord. Have. Mercy. (Seriously, you’re gonna want to click those.) You know what I like? I like it when women hold each other’s faces while kissing. Like they have to. Like if they don’t, they may not be able to keep standing or breathing or living. You know, sort of like this.
The Callie and Erica storyline may, may, just draw me into the Grey zone. But then, maybe I’ll just rely on all those faithful YouTubers who make clips and videos and whatnots to their (and my) hearts’ content. See, maybe today’s youth are OK after all. I mean, they did give us this which is pretty much the best argument for the invention of the “replay” button ever. Happy weekend, all.
p.s. How could I forget, she is also a friend of The Gays. And in Spanish to boot.
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