So here are the lucky winners, courtesy my good friend Random Number Generator Thingie:
- Stephanie
- Amy
- Kennedyismyhero
- Julia
- IrishFingJew
- J School
- Shari
- Leesh
- Pyewacket
- BJ
These would be some good ladies to get to know if you're looking to have a TLW watching marathon one weekend. Tell them you'll bring the popcorn. Works every time.
p.s. The extreme tardiness of this winners post should tip you off to the fact that I am wayyyy behind on just about everything. So if you were kind enough to have emailed me in the past two weeks, please take heart. I am not ignoring you. I have (and I am not kidding) 125 emails waiting patiently for me in my inbox right now. My apologies. I promise to get back to you soon...or soonish.
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