Oh, sweeps, those two times a year when TV is filled with big stars and lesbian kisses. Heck, sometimes it's even filled with big lesbian star kisses. This month is no different. Already we've seen Callica consummate on “Grey's Anatomy” and Reese propose to Bianca on “All My Children.” Doctor Feelbad “House” was apparently a little, um, overexcited about his lesbian content because last month's episode with Thirteen's hot (though ultimately disappointing) girl-on-girl action came premature for sweeps.
But the month isn't done delivering The Gay. First on Wednesday, “Bones” forensic artist Angela reunites with her college fling Roxie. Turns out they dated for a year in art school. Ah, L.U.G. love. Though, clearly, some residual feeling still exist since they're totally working the lesbian twin look.
As for their reunion, well, it involves murder and naked portraits. Gosh, isn't that always the way with exes?
Then on Nov. 13 say hello to Melissa George as the new bisexual intern Sadie on Grey's. Producers have teased that she has a “history” with our fair narrator herself, Meredith. I doubt it. But photos like this, clearly, are meant to make us go hmmm. Meredith's face says no, but Sadie's forearms say yes.
Which is where the conundrum comes in for viewers like us. Look, we know this is all just an obvious, desperate (not to mentioned clichéd) ploy to prop up the ratings. But we're totally still going to watch. How can we not? When you're used to crumbs, any stray cookie that gets thrown your way will seem like a feast. And, to be honest, it's not all bad.
The Callica storyline has been one of the more thoughtful and nuanced lesbian/bisexual storylines I've seen on mainstream television in recent history. Last week, in particular, Erica's revelation – in both the figurative and biblical senses, ahem – was just about as poetic and heartbreaking an illustration of that light bulb moment as you can put to screen.
You are glasses. Wow. More stuff like that, please, November.
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