Wednesday, November 26, 2008


We're T-minus one day away from total food comas here in the states. But this year I thought I would give thanks before we gorged ourselves on turkey or tofurkey or – god, forbid – turducken (note to food marketers, never start the name of your dish with “turd”). With that here are a few of the things I am truly thankful for this Thanksgiving.

Jennifer Beals' ArmsLadies, if those don't make you gay then you're truly a lost cause and good luck with the fellas.

Tina Fey's PalinIs political satire essential in a thriving democracy? You betcha.

Rachel Maddow's BrainBoys may not, but girls sure do make passes at girls who wear glasses. Especially the smart ones.

Your Reading HabitsThank you all for stopping by my tiny corner of the interwebs. Thank you for following my blog. Thank you for sending me emails (which I am still working through, please continue to forgive my tardiness). Thank you for being so lovely and smart and funny and generally awesome. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

So, now it's your turn. Anything you're particularly thankful for this year? Let's hear it. Oh, and pass the gravy. See you Friday. Happy gobble gobble, all.

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