Well, today it put me in the privileged position of hosting a day of the month-long Femmethology Virtual Tour. The tour promotes “Visible: A Femmethology,” a two-volume anthology devoted to femme identity which was released by Homofactus Press this March. While – make no mistake – it is about queer femmes, it celebrates the delicious diversity within that self-identity. More than 50 contributors are included in the anthology who help challenge and answer the question: What is femme? Along the way their essays touch on everything sexism and racism, class and disabilities, trans and bi-phobias. Interesting stuff.
The collection challenge those preconceived notions that want to box us in – sometimes even within our own community. It's also a reminder that we're the ones who get to decide what boxes we check and don't check. And, even those don't truly define our entirety. We are what we say we are, how we feel, what we believe.
The tour started April 1 at the always sexy Sugarbutch Chronicles and continues on through the end of the month. So, if you're interested, give it a look-see. And if you're fascinated, buy yourself a copy or two.
The Femmethology Virtual Tour:
- 4/1. Sugarbutch Chronicles
- 4/2. Ellie Lumpesse
- 4/3. Queer-o-mat
- 4/6. Catalina Loves
- 4/7. The Femme’s Guide and Femme Fagette
- 4/8. Daphne Gottlieb
- 4/9. Bilerico Project
- 4/10. Screaming Lemur: Femme-inism and Other Things
- 4/13. The Femme Hinterland
- 4/14. Bochinche Bilingüe: Borderlands Writing and The Vagina Adventures
- 4/15. Dorothy Surrenders
- 4/16. Miss Avarice Speaks Her Mind
- 4/17. The Femme Show
- 4/18. CyDy Blog
- 4/19. Sexuality Happens
- 4/20. Queer Fat Femme
- 4/21. Sublimefemme Unbound
- 4/22. Tina-cious.com and Jess I Am
- 4/23. FemmeIsMyGender
- 4/24. The Lesbian Lifestyle
- 4/25. Femme Fluff
- 4/26. Weldable Cookies
- 4/27. The Verbosery
- 4/28. A Consuming Desire and Creative Xicana
- 4/29. Queercents
- 4/30. en|Gender
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