Case in point, last night's episode. [Oh, right, spoilers if you haven't watched yet. p.s. Edited to add clip at the end.]
Hello, hottie stripper hook-up. OK, sure, so her rendezvous with the Mila Kunis look-alike really only showed us one kiss. OK, sure, it ended with a very unfortunate case of Lesbian After-Sex Bed Death. OK, sure, it wasn't really her, but her dreaming herself into the emotions of her former child scientific guinea pig partner. It was still pretty freaking hot for about 1 minute. If you just stop when the girl breaks the glass, you can live a happy life thinking they ended up together with Anna walking around the house in a black tank top and her lady friend in hotpants. I'm also totally ignoring the fact that Anna married co-star Mark Valley (Agent John Scott) in real life. What? It's my fantasy and I can do what I want. I'm a blogging reverse empath, you know, in my mind.
Of course, the episode wasn't just about the kiss (or the lovely happy moment Olivia had in her head – “Oh.” “Oh.” “Oh.”) It had quite the twisty, turny reveal. Olivia was experimented on as a child by Walter? Holy, X-Files, someone tell Mulder. Wait, crap, wrong show. What I enjoy most about “Fringe” is, well, duh Anna and her tough yet thoughtful, calm yet open portrayal of Agent Dunham. (What is it with pretty blonde agents with a penchant for ponytails? Oh, hi, Agent Sarah Walker.) I really like Walter (John Noble) and all his eccentricisms, too.
Pacey Joshua Jackson is still not my favorite. But, hey, the show also employs a real, live, totally out lesbian in assistant Astrid (Jasika Nicole).
Dream lesbians. Real lesbians. Mad scientists. Hot Australians. Seriously, why did I stop watching again?
EDIT: Good God, watch (rewatch, rewatch, rewatch) the clip! [Hat tip, Anna!]
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