I wish for many things. World peace. The cure for cancer. An end to global warming. To age like Helen Mirren. What? That last one is altruistic if you consider beauty to be a public service. I mean it, hubba hubba. Seeing the spectacularly saucy dame in all her unPhotoshopped, unairbrushed, unaltered 63-year-old glory at the “State of Play” London premiere this week reminded me that you are only as old as you feel. Hell, and as long as we’re wishing for things here, can my – um –
girls look that fantastic when I’m 60, too? Pretty please?
Seriously, one look at those and you know Russell Crowe had something absolutely filthy to whisper in Helen’s ear. You know, like this.
See, I told you, absolutely filthy.
p.s. Never mind Russell, is it physically possible to be jealous of a coat?

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