A month? It has been a month since last we lasciviously luxuriated on the loveliness that is ladies in tank tops? What was I thinking? Where was my head? Why, oh the humanity, why? Sheesh, in my absent-mindedness I also totally missed the
first anniversary of Tank Top Tuesday. Gosh, was it really only a year ago we first came together (
ahem) to celebrate The Hot? Let me grovel my apologies in the only way I know how – by going back to the beginning. Ladies, the plain white tank top. The plain white tank top, ladies. And, just to class things up, it's black and whites of ladies in plain white tank tops. Plus, this way it seems less like objectification and more like art appreciation – really hot art.
Charlize Theron
Halle Berry
Maria Bello
Jenny Shimizu
Carla Gugino
Franka Potente
Elizabeth Hurley
Amy Adams
If I may be so presumptuous, I think that I'm forgiven.
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