Lean a little closer and I’ll let you in on a little secret. Before Rachel Maddow, before Christiane Amanpour, before Meredith Vieira, my first newswoman crush was on Diane Sawyer. Now, my love for Diane is multifaceted. She is smart, sophisticated, steady, serene and serious, yet never takes herself too seriously. She has interviewed Presidents and dictators, pop stars and the King of Pop. She is, quite simply, just a damn fine journalist. So, imagine my delight when I heard she would take over as anchor for Charles Gibson when he retires from “ABC World News.” For those counting at home, that means two of the big three nighttime network anchors will be ladies. We are women, hear us roar the headlines. So now, after making the appropriate disclaimer about how women should be judged on their qualifications and intellect, can I also just say: Holy crap, how fucking sexy is Diane Sawyer?

And, at 63, she just keeps getting better with age. No, seriously. I mean it. Hubba hubba.

One look at her in her signature I’m-thoughtful-yet-attentive hand on chin pose and my knees go to jelly.

And throw in a cute animal and I’m all a quiver.

I loved her when she had lesbian hair.

And when she interviewed a lesbian.

I love her on a cover.

And when her head is covered.

I’d let my Diane lust lie dormant for years, because – let’s face it – I’m not up in time to catch the morning shows. But now that she will be back in the nighttime where she belongs, I can once again enjoy the way her hair falls coyly across her right eye.
Break me off a piece of that breaking news. Happy weekend, all.
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