…running errands, like Hilary Swank.
Of course, she is taking that “running” part a little too literally. Overachiever.
…walking the dogs, like Olivia Wilde.
Never before have I meant it more sincerely when I’ve said, “Lucky dogs!”
…walking a dog and a baby, like Jessical Biel.
Sheesh, another overachiever.
…checking your cell, like Evangeline Lilly.
If only it had GPS, this whole “Lost” thing could have been over a whole lot quicker.
…rubbing in your ability to sunbath to your undead boyfriend, like Anna Paquin.
Does anyone else have to fight the urge to scream “SOOKEH!” whenever you see her?
…considering just how hot it will be to co-star with Eliza Dushku, like Summer Glau.
Joss Whedon is a total babe magnet.
…relaxing before killing Bill, like Uma Thurman & Zoe Bell.
Behold the beauty of always having a spare.
…arm wrestling, like Rose McGowan & Rosario Dawson.
Clearly they’re wrestling to see who has to take a shower first. I call it a draw and say they shower together. Compromise is truly a beautiful thing.

…walking the dogs, like Olivia Wilde.

…walking a dog and a baby, like Jessical Biel.

…checking your cell, like Evangeline Lilly.

…rubbing in your ability to sunbath to your undead boyfriend, like Anna Paquin.

…considering just how hot it will be to co-star with Eliza Dushku, like Summer Glau.

…relaxing before killing Bill, like Uma Thurman & Zoe Bell.

…arm wrestling, like Rose McGowan & Rosario Dawson.

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