To recap: She grew up a military brat and went to high school in Florida. She was a basketball player who dreamed of going professional, but instead she got discovered at an open casting call. Also, she looks fucking hot with a boy’s haircut. I cannot stress that last bit enough.
As for this, well, you know – no comment.
But, just like with yesterday’s lesbothrobs and Lays potato chips, no one can have just one. Amanda follows a host of out and gorgeous supermodels down the catwalk. A look at a few of my favorite super gay models.
Jenny Shimizu
Angelina has damn fine taste in women.
Eve Salvail
Eve and her tattoo were the best things about “Prêt-à-Porter.” Though too bad we didn’t get to see her do this with Lili Taylor.
Rachel Williams (right)
I’m probably the only one who remembers her from the 80s. But this issue was one of the first fashion magazines I ever bought. And I did it all for Rachel’s eyes.
Kim Stolz
Hands in pockets. Plaid shirt. Rolled up sleeves. Big Belt. Screw smiling with your eyes, this is gaying with your entire body.
Jessica Clark (right)
Her fiancée is professional trainer Lacey Stone (left). A model and a trainer? I just went to a bendy, sweaty place in my head.
Nanna Grundfeldt
Wow, gay is spelled the same way in Finnish as it is English.
Gia Carangi
The one, the only, the original. Damn, really, damn.

Eve Salvail

Rachel Williams (right)

Kim Stolz

Jessica Clark (right)

Nanna Grundfeldt

Gia Carangi

Yeah, that crazy hot chain-link fence scene from the movie? Totally happened. [NSFW, naturally.]
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