The thing is, I don’t understand why Kristin isn’t an enormous star already. Sure, she is a star already – an enormous Broadway star and unequivocal icon in certain circles. But STAR, like of her own show, like on any show. Seriously, why isn’t she on a show? I mean, Jay Mohr has his own show. He’s had three. But instead, since the untimely and unfair early demise of “Pushing Daisies,” we’re relegated to getting our Kristin in tiny doses. Next Wednesday she’ll guest star on “Glee,” which is you think about it is a perfect fit. Singing, dancing, spirit fingers. The combined awesome of Kristin and Jane Lynch on one show is like Christmas in September. And, look, she bowls!
The thing is, Olive Snook may go down in my personal history as one of my all-time favorite TV characters. That combination of adorable melancholy in one teeny-tiny perky package was beyond genius. Also genius? Her easy-access waitress dresses. And, of course, that voice.
For the love of all that is good and right, SOMEONE HIRE KRISTIN CHENOWETH!
p.s. “The Office” fans have found the perfect role for her already. We can make this happen, people. Work with me.
p.p.s. My God, she is truly pocket-sized. I mean, tell me the looks on both Tina and Jon’s faces aren’t a mix of “Congratulations!” and “I want to put you in my pocket and take you home!”
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