Oh, Rachel, Rachel. Suspenders. What are you doing to us? SUSPENDERS. You know what kind of tizzy this will put us gay ladies into. How could you not? In fact, I think secretly you enjoy it. Yep, for all the adorable self deprecation, there has to be a teeny-tiny part of that big, magnificent brain of yours that is loving this lesbian heartthrob status. But, why not? It’s fun to be a lesbian heartthrob. Still lest you think I have only one big gay pin-up inside my locker, let me remind you that there are plenty of lesbian heartthrobs to go around. And to think some girls go crazy over Zac Efron. Silly girls.
Ellen DeGeneres
I think she’ll do great on Idol. I mean, it’s a fancy karaoke contest. Chill, people.
Jane Lynch
“Yes. We. CANE!” But seriously, I would totally let Jane cane me. With a safety word. And a blindfold.
Tegan, Amanda Palmer, Sara
Gay hipster super powers – activate!
Wanda Sykes
But a cap, tight T-shirt and leather jacket are decidedly not whack.
Amanda Moore
To keep from swallowing my tongue, I’ll take a cue from Amanda and hold on instead.
Leisha Hailey
I miss Alice. Not enough to sit through “The Farm,” but enough to sit through the episode of “CSI” where Leisha was a wolfgirl.
Cherry Jones
Did she not look fantastic at the Emmys? Also, I heard she broke up with Sarah Paulson. How sad. Hey Cherry, I like the theater. What? I’m just saying.
Jodie Foster
This is Jodie Foster on the streets of New York last month. This is what gay looks like.

Jane Lynch

Tegan, Amanda Palmer, Sara

Wanda Sykes

Amanda Moore

Leisha Hailey

Cherry Jones

Jodie Foster

Who is going in your locker, so to speak? And quit doodling Mrs. Rachel Maddow on your Trapper Keeper. What is this, junior high?
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