Let me just get this out there immediately, our FLOTUS is a BAMF. Yeah, I said it. Our First Lady of the United States is a Bad Ass Mutha F-(word I cannot say because this is the presidency of the United States of America we are talking about, not some juvenile detention hall cafeteria). Still there’s no ifs, ands or butts about it. What I like about her isn’t just that she has been a gracious and vivacious First Lady, which she certainly has. It is that she seems to have a great sense of humor about all of it. Both about herself and about the situation. The way she gently ribs her husband, the President, is pretty damn endearing. And the way she has presented herself in the public eye is pretty damn impressive. Also, have I mentioned she’s a BAMF? Yeah. I’ve particularly enjoyed the “Show, Don’t Tell” approach she has taken to her
Let’s Move Initiative to end childhood obesity. Watching the First Lady run, jump, dance, hula hoop and even potato sack race has truly been a pleasure. Thank you, Mrs. Obama. A grateful nation salutes your stellar athleticism. Also, damn, those arms. Happy Presidents’ Day, indeed.
Michelle v. Jimmy
Can you see Barbara Bush doing this, let alone being able to do this?
Michelle v. Ellen
I don’t think Ellen let her win. I think she flat-out beat her.
Michelle v. The Dougie
Fuck yeah, our First Lady can Dougie.
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