Over the years Margaret has emerged as one of the most gay-friendly, gay-inclusive and just plain-old gay comics around. She identifies as queer and always used “us” or “we” when referring to the community. She is also a feminist, diversity advocate, stereotype stomper, sex-positive champion and – bottom line – fucking great comic. Hear her talk about GLBT issues and you hear the best way to tackle ignorance, with righteous indignation and a good laugh.
So I was particularly happy to hear that Margaret is getting another TV show, and this time on her terms. VH1 has greenlit the new reality show/sitcom “The Cho Show.” The series “chronicles her interactions with her friends AND her beloved parents.” I am so already there. And, if nothing else, I am forever indebted to the Notorious C.H.O. for giving me the best way to blow off unwanted attention. Sorry, no speak English! If you can’t beat the stereotypes, use them to your advantage. Happy weekend, all.
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