Holy God. No, seriously, holy God. I know this picture is 20-plus years old, but still…damn. In fact, Angelica Huston and her white tank top have inspired (well, that’s the polite word for it) me to create yet another semi-regular feature, Tank Top Tuesday. Yes, I know we already have
Tina Fey Tuesday, but on the weeks when the Fey Fabulous is resting, I just might have to take solace in the simple splendor of the white-ribbed tank top. After all, it is the
No. 2 lesbian fashion accessory for a reason.

And, last but not least,
an oldie but a goodie.
UPDATE: Patience, patience, little kittens. I can’t blow all the tank toppy goodness in the first post, now can I? All your favorites are coming. And, oh yes, there will be Lena. Also, different tank top colors. Hell to the yeah.