Can you smell what The Lesbians are cooking? Fellow foodies/gay lady enthusiasts/lazy TV addicts (that kind of covers all of us, right?), this is your week. Why? “Top Chef: Chicago”premieres Wednesday. And, as
my gaydar and the friendly folks at
Bravo confirmed earlier, this season the cooking contest is chock-a-block with gay ladies. Say hello to Jennifer, Lisa and Zoi. Outside of those hot tub hookups on Real World/Road Rules trainwrecks and that horrifying Tila Tequila spectacle, I think this is the most lesbians together on any reality show at one time.

And, oh, it gets even better. This season includes the show’s first ever couple, and it’s a lesbian couple to boot. Why is it not Wednesday yet? So, looking at our field, who do you think are the lucky lesbians? From the bios, we know that Jennifer and Zoi both live in San Francisco and Lisa lives in New York City. OK, sure, you’re thinking it could be a bi (coastal, that is) thing. But as those
snarktastically delicious folks at Amuse-Biatch gleefully sleuthed out last week and I am more than happy to confirm today, there is no long distance loving. San Francisco denizens Jennifer & Zoi are the Ellen & Portia of “Top Chef” this season.

Gosh, aren’t they cute? Jennifer is the executive chef at COCO500 and Zoi is a chef/restaurant consultant. And they’ve been together for three and a half years. More shots of the happy couple, from Jennifer’s
MySpace page.

The good news is that with three gay ladies on the show, we know we’ll be able to enjoy the Sapphic shenanigans until at least the third episode (though, and you didn’t hear this from me, something tells me that they all live to cook another day past Wednesday’s premiere.) And even if all three ladies are eliminated early on, well, we’ll always have Padma. Mmmm, Padma, mmmm.

p.s. Oh, one more thing, I will be writing full recaps of “Top Chef” for AfterEllen this season. So, once the show gets going, head on over and check out all the culinary craziness.
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