Those arms. That laugh. To not melt in the presence of either is practically a sin. And when those arms and that laugh come together in a tank top, well, all higher brain function pretty much ceases. For three seasons Rose Rollins has brought dignity and warmth to Tasha Williams. As one of the show's few butch characters (well, butch-er, it's still the undeniably feminine Rose underneath there), she took what could have been a cardboard cutout of a stoic soldier and made her likable, relatable and – most important – believable. You actually understand why the opposites of Tasha and Alice might attract thanks to Rose and Leisha's great chemistry. Off screen Rose has embraced her legions (and I mean legions, did you see the
Tank Top Tuesday-Off voting?) of lesbian fans. And, if being a wonderful actress and supportive ally weren't enough, she is also a straight-up truth talker. Watch her
This Just Out with Liz Feldman interview from earlier this week and you'll see a refreshingly candid take on the disappointment of season 6. Also refreshing is that instead of simply bashing the show's obvious creative shortfalls, she seems genuinely saddened at the lost opportunity that will forever be the great failure of “The L Word.” “It's surrounded by negativity,” she said. “We're ending this season on a negative note, and I feel like it's totally contradictory of what the show represents or how it should inspire women.” Yep, what she said. Happy weekend, all.
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