Oh, kittens. Today, today is a special day. Today, in honor (celebration?) of the final three episodes of “The L Word” I have a treat for you. It is the first-ever Tank Top Tuesday-Off. That's right, tank top against tank top in a battle royal for sheer cotton hotness. While scanning my screencaps, I noticed that one group of ladies in particular gets the tanky toppy love from the costume department. And, to be honest, I couldn't think of a better trio to start Tank Top Tuesday-Off (as an added bonus, it sounds a little like we want to get their tank tops off...which admittedly isn't all that far from the truth). So, without further ado, I give you Bette vs. Shane vs. Tasha. And
fight tank!
Brutal, right? So, whose tank top reigns supreme? And, just in case of a split decision, I will consider a rematch.
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