Oh, kittens. The amassed awesome at last night's Oscars was a thing of beauty. Think about it. Last night, all together in one room were, among others: Tina Fey, Kate Winslet, Tilda Swinton, Penelope Cruz, Angelina Jolie, Freida Pinto, Natalie Portman, Diane Lane, Anne Hathaway, Sophia Loren and Meryl fucking Streep. Now, I say Meryl fucking Streep for a reason, because amid last night's orgy of gorgeousness I noticed an interesting trend. Everyone who was anyone wanted to rub up against Meryl Streep. Shit, do you blame them? So in honor of the touchy-feely goodness, I give you a very special Oscar edition of SGALGG. Straight(ish, no comment) Gals Acting Like Gay Gals Who Want to Fuck Meryl. Or, you know, SGALGGWWFM. Put that on a bumper sticker, I dare you. [
Click any for big Meryl love.]
Meryl & Penelope Cruz
Meryl & Queen Latifah
Meryl & Sophia Loren
Meryl & Natalie Portman
Meryl & Anne Hathaway
Meryl & Jennifer Aniston
Meryl & Kate Winslet
Still, despite the SGALGGWWFM smörgåsbord of last night, a couple of my dream pairings didn't quite happen. But, never one to let reality get in the way of something hot, I remedied that the only way I know how. I give you a very, very special Oscar SGALGG Addendum: Straight(ish, again) Gals We Wish Acted Like Gay Gays But Didn't So We Photoshopped Together Instead. Yeah, I'm not even going to attempt that acronym.
Kate & Tilda & Penelope
Tina & Angelina
p.s. Got a dream SGWWALGGBDSWPTI pairing? Well, Photoshop 'em together, already, and leave 'em in the comments.
UPDATE: Dare accepted. Hat tip to garbungled for the awesome bumper sticker!
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