Happy Pride! OK, fine, I’m five days late. But it lasts a whole month so cut me a little slack. You know, I’ve been going to Pride events for about a decade now and I’m not quite sure when “Happy Pride!” become the greeting of choice at celebrations across the country. But as I turned the calendar page to June this year, I looked forward to hearing the enthusiastic welcome come
Pride Weekend. Then I thought about the electro thump-thump-thump that becomes the city’s de facto heartbeat and I just had to smile. Sure, it’s crowded. Sure, it’s noisy. Sure, it’s crawling with camera-wielding tourists. Still, somehow, you just can’t beat dancing with friends in the middle of the street surrounded by a sea of gayness as far as the eye can see. Plus, come on, who doesn’t love a parade? Happy Pride, indeed.
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