Monday, June 18, 2007

What’s cooking?

CLICK for Mmmmm, watermelon...

Here is something you might not know about me: I love food shows. Loves them. The Food Network is pretty much my white noise, particularly when I’m working. But my obsession with cooking shows is rather hilarious considering I am a notorious non-cook. My best dish? Scrambled eggs. Yeah, let’s just say the kitchen isn’t really my arena. But I think that’s exactly why I’m fascinated by the shows. Cooking is an art form I admire endlessly, but sadly have no natural talent for. Also, I like food.
Still, one of my favorite food shows isn’t even on the Food Network. Instead, it’s Bravo’s “Top Chef.” I am addicted. It’s like a serialized version of “Iron Chef” with more contestants and Padma Lakshmi. How can you beat that? The series has also consistently boasted a lesbian or bisexual chef among its ranks. This season that honor (as well as the award for the most hipster hair) goes to Sandee Birdsong. Go team Lesbos! But, back to Padma and why she helps make the show like crack or, better yet, French fries (since I’m not addicted to drugs, but I am seeking an intervention from salt and grease). The Indian actress/model/ cookbook author/wife of novelist Salman Rushdie has a serene quality that hypnotizes you into a zen food coma. Plus, the woman is easy on the eyes. Beautiful women, spiky-haired lesbians and gourmet food? Seriously, how can you beat that?

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