In honor of the fantastic AfterEllen Hot 100 List (the gay women’s emphatic response to the Maxim Hot 100 List -- oh, don’t get me started again), I thought I’d pick one of the many, many hotties from the bunch for My Weekend Crush. Thirteen of the 100 have already been crushes, including the reigning No. 1 lovely Leisha Hailey. [See them all in a slideshow of hotness here.] What I find most fascinating about the list is the spectrum of what we find sexy. From Sarah Shahi to Susan Sarandon, Queen Latifah to Natalie Portman, Emma Thompson to Sandra Oh. Seems we believe in mixing smart with our sexy. We think great accomplishments are as alluring as a great rack. We want more than eye candy; we want mind candy. Like I said, fantastic. Then I realized, with all the options on there it would be nearly impossible to choose just one. How could I pick between Emma and Susan? Rachel Weisz and Clea Duvall? Jorja Fox and Meryl Streep? So, instead, I picked the whole damn list. That’s right, all 100. Even the ones I’m not so sure about. (Uh, Lindsay, seriously?) Cheers to the AfterEllen gals, who are quite the foxy bunch themselves. I mean, damn, have you seen the brains on those ladies? Smokin’. Happy weekend, all.
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