Can we just talk about this picture for a minute? Now, I love me some Helena Bonham Carter (despite the fact that the longer she stays with Tim Burton, the more she starts to resemble the witch who lives under your staircase and feeds on the dreams of children…but in a nice way). Her China doll face is a perfect compliment to whatever Victorian, gothic, magical,
ape role you throw at her. Still this new portrait raises an eyebrow. Why? Well, it’s all about context. The Associated Press took this picture of Helena as a promo for “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.” Ostensibly, this means that
this is the shot of Helena that family newspapers across the country will be running with their Harry Potter features. To which I say,
bahwah? Cause this shot does not say, “Come see this great children’s movie!” It says, “Hold the cookies, just gimme the milk!”
p.s. Apparently, I’m all about the
milk and cookies today.
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