Granted, this is kind of an unorthodox Weekend Crush in that it’s not actually a person. Details, details. But my lust for this sexy little number knows no bounds. iWant it, iWant it bad. Plus given the iPhone’s clean lines, seductive styling and inherent multitasking abilities, it’s clearly a woman. I cannot tell you how much I’ve geeked out over this phone in the past few weeks. But, alas, I was not in line with the even geekier hordes Friday. As much as I want to hold the hotness in my hot little hands, I know I shouldn’t. Let my rational mind tell you why not while my id keeps drooling at the thought of caressing the cold, smooth touch-sensitive screen. 1) It costs $600. 2) Version 2.0 will be even cooler. Must fight it. Must be strong. Must…look how pretty. Dammit. Resistance is futile. Happy weekend, all.
UPDATE: I make no excuses for the ridiculousness of this crush. It’s ridiculous. But that doesn’t mean it’s not real. I went to
fondle touch one for myself this weekend. Fucking-A. All I can say is thank God they were sold out. I’ll see if I can hold out for 2.0. But, when you see
things like this, it makes it really, really hard.
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