Well, I hope all of your collective heart rates have returned to normal after the Tibette Carnival of Hotness (trademark pending) from last week. This week’s Pre-L is all about oil and oily situations. My advice, bring some Wet-Naps.
1. Giggling: The only appropriate way to react to Jenny’s dialogue.

16. Clearly not heeding the above lesson.17. You can almost see the wheels turning.
18. Shane brings her A-game. Teacher gives it a D.
19. I was wrong. So is this. Yeah, this can’t end well.
20. Oh my God, Shane is the lesbian Fonz!
21. Dawn Denbo and lover Cindi define the term “oily.”
22. Kit know the ABC’s of revenge.
23. Am I the only one who thinks this is gross and unsanitary?
24. All of a sudden I love crazy Jenny.
25. Now this is how Alice should have worn her hair for TV.
26. Bring…
27. Occifer, I’m not as think as you drunk I am.
29. Cut. Print. Creepy.
New Guestbian Count: 2
[Kelly McGillis as Colonel Gillian Davis; Danielle Kremeniuk as Lez Girls director of photograph Sam Makavejev]
Best Line: “I enjoy a man with confidence. Makes it all that much more enjoyable when I crush him.” -- Col. Davis
Best Question: “The internet, do we believe it?” -- “The Look” Topic of the Day
Best Way to Make Tibetters Cry: “No, no, no, no. Ex, ex, ex.” -- Tina to Sam when asked if Bette is her girlfriend
Weirdest Way To Respond To “I Love You”: “I’m going to give you a hickey.” -- Jenny to Niki
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