“I’m sure that you have many reasons to keep yourself a mystery – besides the fact that you’re bisexual…[pause as she stares wide-eyed at him]…Denial would’ve worked before the long vacant stare.”
OK, so that came out of nowhere. But did it? Could it be that Foreman’s gaydar is as finely honed as your truly? Not to toot my own horn (toot, toot!) but let me quote myself, in chapter and verse from AfterEllen last week, after looking at a promo picture of Olivia’s Thirteen:
“And is anyone else piqued by the fact that the she is wearing what appear to be old-school suspenders and a ribbed tank top in her official cast photo? Suspenders and a tank top? Are you trying to tell us something, Fox? Is this Thirteen’s secret?”
As I was saying, dude, I totally called it! OK, so I’m not 100 percent sure Thirteen is bisexual. But her reaction to Foreman’s guess and request that it not become “lunchtime gossip” was pretty convincing. As was that later, while under sedation, the patient mumbles to Taub and Kutner:
“She’s bisexual. I could hear them talking from inside the MRI. It was interesting.”
Finally, at the end of the episode, House has Thirteen take the patient for a procedure:
House: You do it both ways, right?
Thirteen: What? [stares incredulously at him]
House: The ultrasound. You do it standing up and lying down…What else would I mean? [wink!]
They’ve left it tantalizingly open. And by tantalizingly I mean, can you imagine the hotness if Thirteen and Cameron started playing naughty doctor together? And while they were -- uh -- taking each other’s temperature, Cuddy walked in and demanded a -- shall we say -- physical? I love this show. And now that it comes complete with the surprise of helping of gay? Doctors, doctors, give me the news. I’ve got a bad case of lovin’ you.
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