Ah, yearbook photos. They were the bane of pretty much all of our school-age existences. Because no matter how much you planned or prepared or primped, something inevitably fucked it up so that from here on out until eternity, you would be remembered as the kid with her eyes closed. Not that this happened to me, or anything. Ahem. But you know, it was always something. The big zit. The bad hair. The good hair (let’s face it, looking back at some of our dos, they were decided don’ts). But you know what makes looking back at those old annuals just a little bit less painful? Knowing that even the stars must suffer the indignities of a cheesy school picture from their past. Ah, yearbook photos.
So, let’s have a little fun. Can you guess the future celebrity lurking beneath their geeky teenage faces? Have you picked out everyone above? Give up? Find out on three: 1, 2, 3 ...
More, you want more? But of course. I say there can never be enough snickering at the awkward adolescent years of others. Present company excluded, of course. Or, at least, not to your face. Ahem, again. So, without further ado: