L505: “Lookin’ at You, Kid”You remember that Buffy episode, “Doppelgangland,” where the Scoobies all met their alternate universe counterparts to their dismay and our delight? Yeah, it’s like that. Sure, so no one is a vampire or
wearing a leather bustier. Yet. But just keep drinking ladies, it could happen.
1) Meet the Lez Girls (and one het boy):
Shaun (Shane)/Cammie

Alysse (Alice)/Susan

Helen (Helena)/Lauren

Bev (Bette)/Bella

Nina (Tina)/Gretchen

Karina (Marina)/Begonia

Kat (Kit)/Cheryl

Donna (Dana)/Marci

Jim (Tim)/Greg

Jesse (Jenny)/Niki
2) If you’re crazy and you know it, raise your hands!
3) Here’s a word you don’t often associate with Bette --
4) And so is born Perez Pieszecki.
5) Not your grandma’s secret ingredient.
6) Warning: Never fuck a woman with this on her wall.
7) You can’t say I didn’t warn her.
8) Film at 11.
9) HeadOn, apply directly to the Jenny!
10) I take all talk of awkwardness back.
11) The dangers…

…of human cloning…

12) Two words: Party. Brownies.
13) Total buzzkill.
14) Déjà vu…

…all over…

15) Last one in is a rotten egg.
16) Don’t make her angry, you wouldn’t like her when she’s angry.
17) Way to visually represent a
Michael Jackson song, ladies.
18) She ain’t heavy, she’s my girlfriend’s ex-girlfriend.
New Guestbian Count: Way too freakin’ many
Best Line (and my new personal catchphrase): “Oh my God, what if the brownies were gay?” --
AliceBest Advice: “Don’t listen to her, she wears mom jeans with camel toe.” --
Jenny about AdeleBest Way To Handle Making Out With Your Ex: “Let’s not get all freaked out and weird and manipulative.” --
Tina to BetteBest Way To Handle An Unsubtle Metaphor: “We’re going to fuck in a closet? / The irony hasn’t escaped me.” --
Niki and Jenny addressing the obvious
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