This episode is so hot, you’ve got to wear shades. Also be sure to have plenty of ice handy. And fans. Possibly smelling salts. I’m just saying, things are going to get steamy and you can never be too careful. Also, try not to faint or swallow your own tongue. Oh, and Tibetters and non-Tibetters, let’s play nice. I think we can all unite behind the common cause of super hot women getting naked together, no? [Click ’em to enlarge ’em, and you know what I mean by ’em, right ladies? Nudge nudge, wink wink.]
1) “That looks like you’re sewing up a hole in her jeans.” Snicker.
7) Minions, Jenny has them.8) Welcome to Project Adeleway!
9) Oh, right, I forgot she was on this show.
10) But I could never forget her. Back at ya, babe!
11) So that’s what has been hiding under those mom jeans.
12) Sniffle. Whimper. Sob!
13) China, I can feel the distance…
14) Someone please alert Cute Overload.
15) Is that a dickey? Is that a bowtie on a dickey? My eyes!
16) What a lovely shade. Post-coital glow looks good on Bette.
17) I smell a rat.
18) Jeez, Kit, just call pest control.
19) How to limber up for the Dinah Shore.
20) Like mother, not so much like daughter.
21) The Hotness, Part II
22) Man, who else needs a cigarette?23) Gosh, that looks familiar.
24) Math is fun.
25) Ms. Fix It fixes Jenny’s messes, for now.
26) Tibette circa 2008: drink it up ladies.
27) Single White Female, much?
New Guestbian Count: 1
[Clementine Ford (a.k.a. Cybill Shepherd Jr.) as Molly Kroll]
Best Line: “Now (Molly) thinks I’m turning into a promiscuous debauched lesbian.” -- Oh, Phyllis, is there any other kind?
Best Unintentional Catchphrase: “If I may be so bold.” -- Adele about everything
Best Meta Inside Joke: “I want you to tell her it doesn’t work. Vancouver doesn’t pass as LA” -- Jenny to a production assistant
Best Recycled Dirty Talk Still More Suited For the Gynecologist’s Office Than the Bedroom: “Spread your legs” -- Tina to Bette