Oh. Oh, God. Oh, God, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Paris Hilton has just
confirmed that she will guest star on “The L Word.” Wait, excuse me for a minute, I just threw up a little in my mouth. Oh, the horror! Oh, the humanity! Oh, how could you, Ilene?
I knew it was a bad sign when I saw Paris
hanging with the lovely ladies of The L. And all those “rumors” about her going to lesbian bars and
making out with Elisha Cuthbert? Dear God, she was method acting. Make it stop! Make it stop!
Look, clearly the entire cast hates the idea. As you can see by these new promo shots, their reaction to the horrific news perfectly illustrates the five stages of grief:

Me, personally? I’m still somewhere between the denial and anger stages. And I have a feeling once I hit depression, it could take a while. Come on, Ilene. Seriously, how could you?