Women are not interchangeable. We aren’t paper dolls with removable heads and pantsuits. We’re individuals. We have brains. We even like to use them. Yet with his selection of Sarah Palin as his vice presidential pick, John McCain has shown us how he really feels about women. We’re dumb and fickle and will vote for anything in a dress. Am I glad that another woman has a shot at the second-highest seat in all the land? Of course – more opportunities for women to enter the upper echelons of power are always welcome. But does it also make me angry? Of course – this isn’t a sign of McCain’s newfound belief in the intrinsic equality of women. This is a joke.
This is a man who opposes the Equal Rights Amendment, opposes (and instead favors overturning) Roe v. Wade, opposes women serving in military combat roles, opposes the federal recognition of gay marriages and domestic partnerships, opposes the mandatory coverage of birth control by health plans, opposes comprehensive sex education – shit – I could go on forever. Earlier this year he didn’t vote on (but later said he would have voted against) the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act that would ensure women have the opportunity to recover back pay for discrimination. Instead of an equal pay bill, he said women just needed “education and training.”
It’s insulting, condescending, infuriating that McCain would think we women vote as a monolithic block controlled solely by our ladyparts. We do not, sir. Nor are we amused by the sexism that will no doubt be leveled Palin’s way (and already has been…um, VPILF.com, classy). I disagree with Palin based on her record. Pro-life. Pro-drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Pro-teaching of creationism. Pro-National Rifle Association. With only 20 months as governor and the mayorship of a town of less than 9,000 people on her resume, why was she selected when other much more experienced Republican women were passed over? This is not what feminism is about.
So, this vacation, my crush is on all of you, the smart women. The smart women who won’t have the wool pulled over your eyes by a nice-looking brunette with glasses. The smart women who care about the issues not just the ovaries. The smart women who know that your vote is yours alone, and won’t be swayed by desperate, cynical pandering to your X chromosomes. Pay no attention to the woman behind the curtain, because she certainly isn't Tina Fey. Not even close. Happy weekend, all. See you again Sept. 10.
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