Thursday, August 7, 2008

In wonder

The other day I was putzing around The YouTubes and landed on some videos for “Wonderfalls.” Ahh, “Wonderfalls.” Every fan of “Pushing Daisies” who never watched this show should drop whatever she is doing right now and run (seriously, make with the hurry) to the store to buy the complete series box set. Go, now. I'll wait. Maybe I'll pour myself a beverage. Speaking of beverages, does anyone drink Tang anymore? Maybe astronauts? Heck, probably not even astronauts anymore. I wonder if you could use it as a mixer? Nah, it'd probably be too gritty. Who wants a crunchy screwdriver... Oh, thank God, you're back.

Look, if you never watched “Wonderfalls” (and that's probably all but five of you since the show only had about a dozen viewers total and subsequently got yanked after four episodes) do yourself a favor and start. Don't let its criminally premature cancellation scare you. Quantity doesn't necessarily equal quality, especially on TV. “According to Jim” just got renewed for an eighth season. Yeah, I rest my case.

What made “Wonderfalls” so wonderful was its deliciously winsome, unrepentantly quirky combination of cynicism, witticisms, mysticism and inanimate talking animals. OK, Caroline Dhavernas helped too. She helped a lot. Like a ton. Like I still harbor an unrequited, Google-her-every-couple-of-months crush on her. Hey, it's not creepy if you never actually come within 500-feet of the person. But, for serious, I would have driven to Niagra Falls to propose marriage to Jaye Tyler if she wasn't already making time with that doofy bartender (and, you know, was real...ahem). I mean, she was exactly my type. Overeducated and underemployed. Add snarky as all get out to that and be still my misanthropic heart.

Heck, every time I hear the jaunty theme song I grin like a lovesick fool. And I forgot the best part (well, besides Caroline), the show had a lesbian and everything in Jaye's sister Sharon. Oooh, oooh, one more thing – are you ready to be jealous?

Yeah, you know you're jealous. Well, at least five of you are.

p.s. Seriously. Go. Watch. Right. Now.

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