Look, if you never watched “Wonderfalls” (and that's probably all but five of you since the show only had about a dozen viewers total and subsequently got yanked after four episodes) do yourself a favor and start. Don't let its criminally premature cancellation scare you. Quantity doesn't necessarily equal quality, especially on TV. “According to Jim” just got renewed for an eighth season. Yeah, I rest my case.
What made “Wonderfalls” so wonderful was its deliciously winsome, unrepentantly quirky combination of cynicism, witticisms, mysticism and inanimate talking animals. OK, Caroline Dhavernas helped too. She helped a lot. Like a ton. Like I still harbor an unrequited, Google-her-every-couple-of-months crush on her. Hey, it's not creepy if you never actually come within 500-feet of the person. But, for serious, I would have driven to Niagra Falls to propose marriage to Jaye Tyler if she wasn't already making time with that doofy bartender (and, you know, was real...ahem). I mean, she was exactly my type. Overeducated and underemployed. Add snarky as all get out to that and be still my misanthropic heart.
Heck, every time I hear the jaunty theme song I grin like a lovesick fool. And I forgot the best part (well, besides Caroline), the show had a lesbian and everything in Jaye's sister Sharon. Oooh, oooh, one more thing – are you ready to be jealous?
Yeah, you know you're jealous. Well, at least five of you are.
p.s. Seriously. Go. Watch. Right. Now.
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