I first fell in love with Leisha Hailey as a singer. The Murmurs, I miss them still. Heck, I practically wore my CDs down to a nub from repeated play. Then I caught her in “All Over Me” and my lifelong devotion was cemented. The pink hair, heavens, the pink hair. Now thanks to “The L Word” we all know that Leisha is that most rare mix of hilarious, adorable and hot. But, as a result, I kind of forgot about the singing thing. I mean, I knew she started a new band and I knew they had released an EP and I knew they were touring and I knew they were working on a full-length album. But, I don't know, be it nostalgia or general fear of shifting inertia or plain-old laziness, I hadn't really checked out Uh Huh Her that much. But, then I saw Leisha and bandmate Camila Grey had released
their first video, “Not a Love Song.” So I clicked play.
Hello, lesbian unicorns. Seriously, they could be the new manatee. I don't know what all the lightening bolts and 80s graph paper backgrounds were all about, but you can't deny the awesome that is two hot rock stars being hot rock stars together. Consider me sold. UHH's album, “Common Reaction,” drops (yes, I went there because I'm down like that...word) Tuesday. Hear the whole thing here now. Dream of lesbian unicorns everywhere later.

p.s. My apologies, my international friends, for the viewing issues. Check it out here instead, with thanks to The Gentleman.
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