Subject: Erin Cummings from Bitch Slap
Dear Ms. Snarker,
Thank you for the witty and captivating article that you posted about "Bitch Slap." Since our invasion of Comic-Con a few weeks ago, several sites have posted reviews of bitchslapmovie.com, the film's poster and, of course, THAT TRAILER! However, none made me double over with giddiness and giggles in such a way as yours.
I was blown away by the overwhelming support and excitement that your readers offered in their comments. Thank Goddess - women who get it! Yes, this film has gratuitous cleavage shots. Yes, sexual innuendo permeates every line of dialog. Yes, it is reminiscent of all those terribly trashy B films that are so obviously driven by a male point of view. And that's why this film is so much fun - we're in on the joke too! In the slow motion shot where I emerge from the smoky inferno with the massive machine gun, I felt powerful and alive and uber-sexy. I felt that way because I remember seeing Bruce Willis get to do similar things in "Die Hard" and feeling that I, as a woman, might never get those "glory shots." I might not get to be the hero and save the day (or the girl). In this film I do.
Again, I cannot thank your readers enough for their interest and excitement over the film. I can say with most certainty that they will not be disappointed and I look forward to your thoughts as future trailers and, ultimately, the film are released. Your words very much appreciated by each of us.
Erin Cummings
p.s. - Yes, that is me kissing Julia in those shots. However, I also kiss America. And America kisses Julia. We each kiss each other. It's complicated...

Oh, and for the record, I asked Ms. Cummings' permission to reprint her very kind email and she generously agreed. I have manners, I wasn't born in a barn. Not that I have anything against barns. Or hay. Or rolling in hay. Dammit, I've lost my train of thought. Geez, if this is what repeated viewings of the “Bitch Slap” trailer does to my brain, just imagine what the whole movie will do. Hello cerebral puddle.
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