But, of course, the fight doesn't end here. Far from it. The “Yes” people are still dangerously ahead in funding, by some reports as much as $40 million to our $25 million. That's an awful lot of scratch, and the agents of intolerance will use it to scratch away at our civil rights. Progress is painful, and we often stumble along the way. But if California lets a right be taken away from one group that it currently grants to all groups, it's not just a step backwards. It will forever be a black stain on our progress toward that more perfect union.
For me, the issue of gay marriage almost isn't really even about marriage. Marriage is an institution I respect, but still feel ambivalent about joining. What gay marriage represents is not just the union of two people until death do them part. Sure, that's the most important part. But it is also an acknowledgment by both society and the government that watches over us that these people's commitment should be respected. That these people's relationship is worthy of protection. That these people's union is real. It's not that gay couples seek to legitimize their relationships; we know we're legitimate. It's that we deserve to have the government see us as equal. Domestic partnerships, while an important baby step, are just another tired retread of the separate but equal argument. Equal is equal. And we won't stop fighting until we really are just that.
But, hey, enough speechifying from yours truly. I know several of you are probably all, dude, where are the hot chicks in tank tops? I promise, there will be tank tops. But today, I would ask you to dig deep and give what you can. Check the couch cushions. Raid the laundry fund. Consider which organs are duplicate and therefore unnecessary (I kid, I kid....you can keep that second kidney, I guess). Let's see how much a band of 8 rag-tag bloggers and their thousands of wonderful, insightful, passionate, caring, sexy (too much?) readers can raise in 8 days to fight for what is right. Please, donate whatever you can at www.8against8.com.
And even if the cupboard is bare, you can help spread the word to your family, friends, coworkers, neighbors, the cranky guy who sits next to you on the bus. Join our Facebook page. Read about the fabulous prizes, giveaways and auctions. Also, don't forget, please keep your confirmation email after donating. It could become very handy in the future here at Surrenders. And by “handy,” I mean “you could win cool free stuff.”
Though, most important of all, if you live in California be sure to get out of bed on Nov. 4 and Vote No on Prop. 8. Or, if you live in Florida, Arizona or Connecticut, vote No on Prop. 2, No on Prop. 102 and No on Question 1. And for everyone else, keep up hope. A better, fairer world is possible. We can make it happen.
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