Friday, October 24, 2008

My Weekend Crush

Look, I know. I know. I'm kind of obsessed. Check that, I'm totally obsessed. But, bear with me on this one. This is not just another crush on Tina Fey. I swear. I promise. Fine, it's a little bit of a crush on Tina Fey. But, really, it's a crush on her show, “30 Rock.” The entire show. All of it and everyone. “30 Rock” is quite simply the smartest, funniest, best-written 30 minutes on television today. That this show doesn't have better ratings is one of the mysteries of the universe that keeps me up at night. (That and where the other sock disappears to in the there an alternate dimension composed solely of socks?)

The genius of “30 Rock” lies in its blending of the absurd and the everyday. Sure, not too many of us work behind the scenes on big-time TV shows, but we can all relate to its dysfunctional yet somehow familial (if you're lucky, that is) workplace. The relationship between mentors/foils/friends Jack and Liz, in particular, is sure to go down as one of the great comedic pairing of all time. But, really, it's the chemistry between the entire cast's seemingly disparate personalities that makes it sing. Without Alec Baldwin, without Tracy Morgan, without Jane Krakowski, without Jack McBrayer (and so on, and so on) the pieces wouldn't fit as perfectly. Plus, without Tracy I wouldn't be just one degree away from nirvana in my Six-Degrees of Tina Fey game. I met him a few years ago and he gave me a big hug. That dude is crazy, but in a nice way. (Also, is it just me or is Jane totally grabbing Tina's ass in this picture?)

With all the attention lavished on Tina of late, it seems the whole world has turned into Feynatics. Sure, those of us who have worshiped at the alter of Feyminism for years could scoff at all the Janey Come Latelys. But I'm much too happy that they're finally here to play my “I loved her first!”-card. So I dearly hope that this adulation turns into more eyeballs for “30 Rock.” This is a show that deserves an audience as big as its laughs. While the official third season premiere isn't until next Thursday, NBC and Hulu (and iTunes, if you get yourself a copy of TV Guide) have the episode available right now. Come on, it's Friday. Your boss is thinking about the 18th green anyway. Go ahead. Click play.

[Link expires Oct. 30, bummer, dude]

And if that wasn't enough to get you excited, in the second episode (airing Nov. 6) we get to see Tina in a full-on Princess Leia outfit. For the love of nerds, let it be the gold bikini. Happy weekend, all.

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