I Can Has Natalie and Rashida Sammich?
Never mind Henry Paulson and Ben Bernanke, Natalie Portman and Rashida Jones really know how to fix our current global economic crisis. Scientifically speaking, on a cuteness scale of 1 to 10, Natalie + Rashida + puppies = 1,275.
Honey Honey, Puppets Puppets
OK, so this one is less cute, more melancholy. But it has Feist and puppets, which in my book will always be worth a look. Here is her new video for “Honey Honey.” It is a beautiful song with a fascinating video and, best of all, it has absolutely no shot of being played into the ground in another iPod commercial. Bliss.
Get Off My Lawn, Yes on Prop. 8 People
No puppies in this one either, but if an ad about a serious issue can be deemed cute, this is the one. The Notorious C.H.O. and friend Selene Luna explain why Proposition 8 sucks. And, if you haven't already, please consider donating to 8 Against 8. Also, pssst – come closer – word on the street is that everyone who donates will be in the running for some fabulous prizes here at Surrenders, so keep your confirmation emails. Wait, I've said too much.
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