And, yes, this probably means that my political bias is showing. Good, I'm glad. In the interest of full disclosure I want everyone to know that I am indeed The L Word. I'm a L...L...L...Liberal. Whew, I said it. Really, saying it out loud is the hardest part. I'm a Liberal. I'm an open, out, totally unabashed Liberal. And I'm proud of it. I also don't mind being called progressive, left-wing, bleeding-heart or foxy. What? I just wanted to see if I could slip that last one in.
So back to The Sexy called Rachel. What I love about Rachel is that she seems so comfortable in everything that she is. A woman. A progressive. A lesbian. A smarty pants. A self-described dork. And this weekend's New York Times Magazine only confirmed my best suspicions about Rachel. She is so incredibly gay, it's adorable. [Hat tip, the equally adorable StuntDouble!]
Read the whole interview here, but let me give you my 8 (since that number is on my mind) highlights – or should I say gaylights. Seriously, she's so gay.
- Always on her: A handkerchief. One of my liabilities as a broadcaster is that I am little teary. Having a handkerchief is handy. My partner, Susan Mikula, buys me cute ones.
- Always in fridge: Champagne. I always keep a bottle, because you might need to celebrate at any moment, and a bunch of mustard, because I am a mustard person.
- Clothing item a talk-show host needs: For me, it is sneakers, which I can wear 80 percent of the time, secretly behind the desk. That reminds me who I am, even though I am dressed up like an assistant principal in order to meet the minimum dress code for being on television.
- Fictional character she identifies with: Wally Cleaver. Cause he is a dork.
- She drives: I have a seven-year-old Ford pickup. Remember, I have to go to the dump.
- By her bed: Comic books. I read comics sometimes and graphic novels. I appreciate that genre.
- Hobby: I am a hobbyist bartender. I have a liquor cabinet. I research classic drinks from the golden age of American cocktails and I make them for me and Susan.
- Favorite place to shop: Not applicable. I don’t shop.
As I was saying... So. Totally. Gay. I love it. And, in case that wasn't enough the NYT had to go and show us her at home. I've taken the liberty of pointing out the awesome.
And if that still wasn't quite gay enough, dude, check out her ride.
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