And two more, just for good measure:
It's strange, but the closer tonight's premiere of “Pushing Daisies” gets the more I realize how much I've missed it's Dr. Seuss for adults approach to television. In its too-brief first season, it was a weekly reminder that we could all use a little more whimsy in our lives. And, gosh, who doesn't want a pint-sized Olive Snook of her very own? While it's practically sacrilege to say this with a cast so unassailably nice, I think I might actually be rooting for Olive. Not that I'm not rooting for Chuck. Oh, shucks. I'm rooting for everyone. Crap. There goes my misanthropic street cred. You won't tell anyone, will you? Though, if “Pushing Daisies” can't bring out your inner optimist, nothing will.
p.s. This is the moment I knew I was going to watch every single second of this show. Consider that birdhouse made.
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