While I was worried that Palin's appearance might sway some “Gosh, she seems spunky” sympathy and therefore votes her way, in the end it was just another reminder of why it's so appropriate that she is the governor of Alaska. Just call her the Yukon Territory of comedy gold. And no one mined it better than Tina Fey and Amy Poehler. Hell, you could practically hear them screaming “Eureka!” From “fancy pageant walkin'” to “all the mavericks in the house put your hands up,” I could not love those two more. No, really, it's not physically possible. And, oh God, the moose – the moose was genius.
First Tina.
Oh, Tina. You made me proud to be among those in the “anti-American” states of New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Delaware and California.
Then Amy.
As much as I love anything and everything about Tina, I will happily admit that Amy totally stole the show. Someone get this girl a record contract. That was the most simultaneously hilarious and hardcore rap I've ever seen. And, dude, Eskimos!
While most people were clamoring for it, I was a little relieved that Tina and Sarah only shared a split-second on screen. Look at me, getting all protective like Alec Baldwin of “our Tina” from “that horrible woman.”
Though, in case you were having one of those world-colliding moments at even the briefest sight of them together, here is a handy guide to tell them apart.
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