Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Better than ice cream

Lesbians love Sarah McLachlan. Through the years I've tried to dissect exactly why this is. I've listened to her crystalline voice for hours. I've stared into her big brown eyes for what seemed like an eternity. I've played my copies of “Fumbling Toward Ecstasy” and “Surfacing” until they became the de facto soundtrack to my college years. And, in the end, I think I can sum it up in two words: Lilith Fair. Oh, come on, you know you were there. Hell, we probably ran into each other and didn't even know it.

What made Lilith Fair, and Sarah, so important is simple yet revolutionary. It wasn't just that women could make good music. It was that women who made good music were good business. This was girl power not in just an artificial made-by-marketers sense. This was women working together for the enjoyment of other women. It seems almost cliché now but then it was kind of awesome. And talk about your gay women's paradise. Take an Indigo Girls concert and multiply it by 1,000. Yeah, that kind of awesome.

So, it's with fond memories and a happy song in my heart that I welcome the release of Sarah's new greatest hits album today. “Closer: The Best of Sarah McLachlan” features 16 songs including two new tracks. And, best of all, I have five copies to give away. So if you want one, let me know in the comments (leave your email address, spelled out is fine) from now through Thursday. I'll pick the five winners at random on Friday.

While you're at it, if you want to share your favorite Sarah song or story, feel free. Oh, come on, you know you have one. In fact if you or your girlfriend or the friend you wish was your girlfriend haven't at some point drunken karaoked to “Adia” then you are either not really that gay or lying. I'm going with the latter.

p.s. Have you seen her in a bikini recently? I'm going to make that a second, one-word answer to why lesbians love Sarah McLachlan.

UPDATE: Entries are now closed. Thanks to all who entered. I'll post the winners Monday.

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