Monday, October 20, 2008

8 Against 8

Today I'm proud to announce my participation in 8 Against 8. What is 8 Against 8, you ask? Well, we're cool like the Jackson 5, but way more ethical than the Keating Five. In short, we're eight lesbian blogs that have banded together to fight California's Proposition 8. As I've written about before, Prop. 8 would permanently amend the state's constitution to define marriage as only between a man and a woman. This would effectively re-ban gay marriage and overturn the state supreme court's ruling legalizing the unions. In short, it would be terrible.

So who are the 8 Against 8?

Grace Chu from Grace the Spot has spearheaded 8 Against 8 to harness all our awesome homo powers for good. So what are we trying to do? Raise $8,000 in eight days. And that is where you come in. If you can, please go to the 8 Against 8 website and donate to Equality California. All of the money raised will go directly to Equality California's No on Prop. 8 Campaign.

I know times are tough for everyone. Hell, I've made a pledge not to look at my financial statements unless drunk. But any amount you can afford would help tremendously. As of last week, Equality California said it was $10 million behind the “Yes on 8” fundraising. That's seven zeros, folks. Much of the “Yes” campaign's money has come from out of state and been driven by the Mormon Church. We can do better. To sweeten the deal, donors/businesses who give more than $100 will get free advertising on some of the sites as well as a slew of other prizes at various donation levels – check them out here). All donors will get all of my, and the other bloggers', eternal thanks – not to mention the thanks of every gay and gay-friendly person in California.

Gay marriage has been legal here in sunny California since June. And, as far as I can tell, the very fabric of our existence has not been torn asunder. Heterosexual couples have not seen the foundations of their marriages crumble into dust. Churches have not burst into flames in the fiery clutches of Beelzebub. Nothing remotely close. Pretty much, nothing has happened except that a bunch of happy, loving, grateful gay folks got to exchange rings and feed each other cake.

So, from today until Oct. 27, please give a little or a lot. If you can't afford to contribute give please by spreading the word. Use the logo, link 8 Against 8 (, tell your friends, family, neighbors. Politics is personal, and not much is more personal than being able to marry who you love. I wish the rabid “Yes on 8,” “Protect Marriage” crowd would really look at what they are so against. Because if this scares you or inspires your hatred, I think it says a lot more about you than it does the people who just vowed to love each other until death do them part.

[Wedding via Foomatic. Music via Vienna Teng]

Donate to 8 Against 8. Vote no on Prop. 8. Protect love.

UPDATE I: Many, many, many thanks to all who have already donated and linked. The button for 8 Against 8 will stay on the right-hand corner of Surrenders until the campaign ends Oct. 27 with daily updates on our progress toward our $8,000 goal. You all should be exceedingly proud that in the first 24-hours we raised $2,789. As Keanu would say, whoa. Let's keep it going, ladies and discerning gentlemen. No, money can't buy you love. But maybe if we all band together it can buy us a little equality.

UPDATE II: Please don't forget our friends in Arizona and Florida who are fighting their own wretched anti-gay marriage amendments, as well as Connecticut where sneaky Question 1 could spell trouble. No on Prop. 2, Floridians, No on Prop. 102, Arizonans, and No on Question 1, Connecticuters!

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