Well? Who takes it? Or is this a very special Girl Scouts moment where we’re making new friends, but keeping the old?
First, I wear my glasses less than her – just mostly around the house, when running errands, being lazy and feeling incapable of poking myself in the eye with my contacts. Second, mine are metal frames – I can’t wear the big, bulky plastic ones. Actually, I’ve kind of been going back and forth with my choice of frames. Too nerdy? Too 1950s high school principal? Too look up in the sky, it’s a bird, it’s a plane?
Well crap, I might as well let you weigh in:
But what I really think Rachel has done is help me finally make peace with my purchase. (No one here needs to be told she is “the new sexy,” as dubbed by The Village Voice.) My glasses are just nerdy and just hot enough. Who knows, with pride coming up this weekend, maybe I can even get a little of Maddow’s smart-girl magnet charm to rub off on me. (Yes, that’s Ana Marie Cox and Rachel making lesbian hearts everywhere go pitter-patter over the weekend).
Plus, I’ve got one more thing over Maddow for sure in the glasses department. I actually can take off my glasses, shake out my hair and say, “Do you know what the penalty is for an overdue book?”
Oh, and just for the record, Buffy would totally, totally have kicked Edward’s ass. No contest. End of story. Seriously, put a stake in it.
p.s. Buffy also had Willow. Nerdy. Lesbian. Witch. Enough said.
Also, dude, what is up with all the “Don’t Stop Believin’” love of late? I mean, sure, you can play a wicked air guitar to the number and all, but this is getting ridiculous.
But what I do know is that I love Joan Jett and The Runaways. And, given the current crop of pretty young things, I guess I’m OK with her selection as Our Lady of the Jett Black Hair for the new biopic on the seminal all-girl rock band. Christ, imagine if Megan Fox was picked to play Saint Joan? Shudder. To. Think. Also, am I the only one who thinks she is looking very Shane today?
Granted, when you see the Real vs. Memorex side-by-side, Kristen clearly needs to work on her swagger. Also, does Joan ever fucking age? Holy crap, what devil did she make a pact with and where can I sign? I’d even happily sign on to be a minion.
Then there’s also the business of formerly precocious tot Dakota Fanning playing Cherie Currie. Kristen and Dakota side-by-side look kind of like they’re orphans at the scruffy waif mall instead of teenage sex, drugs and rock ’n’ roll machines. I mean, when you’re about as big as your guitar can you really bring the noise?
Sure, Cherie was 15 when she joined the band and Dakota is 15 now. But, um, I hope she’s a quick study in bad-assery.
Well, I guess we’ll find out if both gals can pull it off in 2010. But, for now, I’m going to try to keep an open mind and optimistic attitude about this project.
If nothing else, we can always just revel in the real thing.