Thursday, November 30, 2006
Life imitates art, minus the immaculate part

Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last?

Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Take me to your leader

Monday, November 27, 2006
Salma says watch her...errr...show

Home For Lesbians

p.s. The film also gave me another contender for my personal catch phrase: “Dying is easy. Playing a lesbian is hard.”
Friday, November 24, 2006
My Weekend Crush

Thursday, November 23, 2006
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Buffy slays comics

Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Rosie rips Ripa, outs Clay
So, Rosie O’Donnell called out Kelly Ripa for being homophobic this morning. She accused her of homophobia after Clay Aiken put his hand over her mouth with and she scolded him with a, “I don’t know where that hand has been, honey!” Whether you believe the comment and its ensuing celebrity smackdown was homophobic or not, the most interesting tidbit of this little fracas was both stars' casual acceptance of Clay’s sexuality. As Rosie said:
"If that was a straight man, if that was a cute man, if that was a guy that she didn't question his sexuality, she would have said a different thing. To me that's a homophobic remark."
Also, it’s interesting to hear Kelly vehemently defend her actions. Does this elevate being called homophobic to the ranks of "Must Reply" accusations? Will she be making a rambling apology on Letterman later? Mountain out of molehill? Or does the “honey” put it over the edge? You decide.
An American original

Have you heard the one about...

Catch them all, punchline not included, today on The Ellen Degeneres Show.
Monday, November 20, 2006
To love, cherish and always wear flats

Oh, and in case you thought I was exaggerating about the height difference... Behold TomKat’s engagement photo last year. You know, before Kate was legally bound to never wear heels.

Friday, November 17, 2006
My Weekend Crush

Eva Green: Bride of Frankenstein, err, Bond...

Eva Green is stunning. Seductive, smart and those eyes, those eyes! Which is why it baffles me that the French actress and newest Bond girl would show up at the premieres of the "Casino Royale" looking like something Igor dragged in. The high necks. The frazzled hair. The Wonder Woman pose. What is this, Bride of Frankenstein chic? I'm all for blazing your own trail, but it shouldn't blaze through Transylvania. I mean, see at what happens when someone else dresses her?

Sexy. Sleek. Not plugged into an electrical socket. Mon dieu.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Lesbian chef on the chopping block

“I’ve proven in the first few challenges that I have talent and the ability to lead a kitchen …. I expected to see myself at the end. I know I have talent.”
Too bad. She was one of the more spunky contestants. A little cocky, but with the skills to back it up.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Who you calling gay?

Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Michelle Rodriguez outed by the Terminatrix

Not ready for this jelly

Shaken and stirred

Monday, November 13, 2006
Desperate Lesbians: Ring the (suspicious) alarm

Juliet and her fair Juliet

First Annual Androgyny Off

Friday, November 10, 2006
My Weekend Crush

Hot, steaming Beta

UPDATE: Well, I figured out the leading issue. Now, I'm adding Labels. If you'll direct your attention to the right column, you can categorize my obsessions. Fun for the whole family!
Thursday, November 9, 2006
Polls closed, but pole always open for business...
Well, now that we’ve gotten all that superficial political stuff out of our system, it is time to carry on with the really important news of the week. I could find no more important, historic, socially-relevant news than this moving clip from "Ellen" yesterday. Yes, that is two-time Oscar winner Emma Thompson pole dancing to "I'm a Slave 4 U" while The Great Panted One throws sweaty dollar bills her way. The perfect amuse-bouche, n'est pas? Enjoy.
Wednesday, November 8, 2006
Jim Webb is a lucky man

Deliver us from Britney

EDITORS NOTE: Lest we burst our own bubble too quickly today, let us still rejoice in yesterday's landmarks:
- First woman speaker of the house: Nancy Pelosi
- First Muslim in Congress: Keith Ellison
- First Democratic Socialist in Congress: Bernie Sanders
- First Jewish governor of New York: Eliot Spitzer
- First African-American governor of Massachusetts: Deval Patrick
- And, according to the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund, 67 openly gay candidates were elected to state and local offices (more than ever before).
Plus, ding-dong the witch is dead jigs of joy for Rummy, Rick Santorum, John Hostettler, Katharine Harris and Richard Pombo. Wow, for me? Is it Christmas already?
Thank you, America

Tuesday, November 7, 2006
Isn't something important happening today?

Vote Dammit!

I think the button says it all. Vote. Be a good citizen and, if you want to be a really good citizen, vote for your friendly neighborhood Democratic candidate. Unless, of course, you like the direction the country is going. In which case...are you sure? Seriously? Wow. You may want to read my blog header above and quietly exit the room. Just a suggestion.
Monday, November 6, 2006
Salma gets Ugly

Dr. B and the Women

Friday, November 3, 2006
My Weekend Crush

Doogie comes out

"I am happy to dispel any rumors or misconceptions and am quite proud to say that I am a very content gay man living my life to the fullest and feel most fortunate to be working with wonderful people in the business I love."
The actor's statement came after recent reports that his publicist denied a gossip item about his sexuality by saying "He’s not of that persuasion." Looks like the truth really is good medicine. As a side note, when did People become the coming out messenger du jour? Lance, T.R. and Neil all used the magazine to release the big news. Apparently, People is the gayest magazine around. And here I was thinking that title went to Vanity Fair.
Fun with hypocrisy

- Republican Tennessee senatorial candidate Bob Corker apparently didn’t properly communicate his anti-gay stance to 19-year-old daughter Julia who appears in Facebook macking on a female friend and generally having a “Girls Gone Wild” good time. Corker – who is running a tight race against Harold Ford, Jr. – recently aired an ad featuring his daughters with the tag line, “I wanted you to meet my girls.” Well, we sure met Julia.
- The Rev. Ted Haggard, president of the National Association of Evangelicals, stepped down from his post this week after allegations arose that he had an ongoing sexual relationship with a male prostitute, from whom he also purchased meth. During his tenure, Haggard fought against abortion and gay rights. He recently supported a ban on same-sex marriage on his home state of Colorado. Seems Haggard is of the “why buy the cow if you already pay for the milk” school of gay relationships.
I love the smell of hypocrisy in the morning. It smells like...victory.
Thursday, November 2, 2006
And now for something completely different...
Oh. My. PopWatch is reporting that this man, CBS Early Show weatherman Dave Price, may take over for retiring “Price is Right” host Bob Barker. After watching this footage of him shake it like a Polaroid picture for “Dance Friday,” words escape me. Seriously, wow. I will let you judge for yourself where this item falls on the Kinsey Scale. But the man does say, “This is Olivia Newton-John, one of the greatest artists of the 20th Century.” I rest my case.
Trailer Trash

Why the consternation? Well, from what I can see the movie has an uncomfortable gay subtext. Now, this might be due to unfortunate editing, but you can’t mistake the sexual innuendo in the clips. Dench’s character strokes Blanchett’s hand and says, “I’ve such a dread of ending my days alone.” After lingering glances, Dench confides, “She’s the one I’ve waited for.” Later, Blanchett wails, “You think this is a love affair?!”
This would be all fine and good if it wasn’t for the more insidious May-December “Single White Female” meets “The Killing of Sister George” overtones also present. Please, tell me there is more to this film than a matronly spinster with latent lesbian tendencies who falls for the vivacious younger woman with tragic results. What do you think? Interesting psychological drama or tiresome evil-lesbian cliché?
Wednesday, November 1, 2006
Future's so bright...

10. Men in Black
9. Midnight Run
8. Blade
7. Cool Hand Luke
6. Top Gun
5. Reservoir Dogs
4. The Matrix
3. Risky Business
2. The Terminator
1. Blues Brothers
Guess what’s not there? Say, oh I don’t know, how about any predominantly FEMALE shade wearing roles. What about “Lolita?” “Breakfast at Tiffany’s?” “Thelma & Louise?” Come on, boys, I know you can do better.