Friday, October 31, 2008

My Presidential Crush

America is a country that, at its heart, wants to believe in itself. While some might say (and rightfully so) that we are overly enamored with our own greatness, I think what most Americans really want is to to be worthy of our standing in the world. We want to live up to our better angels. We want to trust that the best is still ahead of us. We want to believe in the good in all of us.

But it's hard, if not downright impossible, to do any of that when you don't feel good about yourself. And, at this point in our country's history, we just don't. There is nothing wrong with individual Americans, per se, but there is something terribly wrong with the country as a whole. After eight years of division and strife, war and recession, we are tired, scared and plain worn out. What we're looking for, quite simply, is hope.

The hope that we can overcome our differences. The hope that we can heal out broken government. The hope that the American dream still exists. And, for me, Barack Obama is that hope.

Now, admittedly and proudly, I voted for Hillary Clinton in the primaries. I will forever be grateful to her for those 18 million cracks. She never ceases to amaze me with her intelligence, passion and heart. She would make a great president. It was an honor to cast my ballot for her and something I'll cherish always.

After the primaries, while there never was any doubt that Obama had my vote, my heart wasn't quite with him yet. It took time, both to heal and to grow. Slowly but surely, it happened. The more I heard him speak, the more I watched him work, the more I witnessed his temperament, the more I knew that this was the man who could create the America we yearn for. The America that is smart, the America that is just, the America that is kind.

Presidential politics have always been a delicate art of making grand themes and big ideas seem like humble kitchen table chit chat. We want our politics to be personal. Yet this election, I can't help but take things personally. When I think about what it would mean for America to elect Barack Obama president, the more hopeful I feel.

I feel hopeful not just for the changes he promises or the policies he promotes, but for what he represents. Make no mistake, I am voting for Obama because I think he has the better ideas. He will be a smart, thoughtful, capable and fair leader. Still there is another part of me that knows it is the unquantifiable impact of his presidency that will leave the most lasting impression on our country's history.

I grew up in the Midwest, an Asian-American kid in a small college town. So I know what it's like to live in a place where you stand out. I know what it's like to go to school and be different. I know what it's like to look on television and never see yourself. As a little girl, it was what I didn't see that shaped my earliest aspirations. I couldn't be a news anchor, because I had never seen any Asian news anchors. I couldn't be Miss America, because I had never seen an Asian Miss America. I certainly couldn't be the president, because I had never seen an Asian president – or woman president for that matter. Luckily, I had parents who instilled in me the true limitlessness of my dreams. And, thank heavens, they set me straight about the whole Miss America nonsense, too.

So when I think about what an Obama presidency would mean for generations of children growing up today, I feel a welcome tightness in my chest. It's not just that he would be the first African-American president, it's that he would be a symbol of the true limitless of the American dream. Maybe a little girl growing up in a small town will look at him and believe that it really isn't the color of our skin, but the content of our character that matters. And maybe she believes that one day she too can be president. Now that's hope. Happy weekend, all.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Tina Fey Thursday

Yes, yes, ANOTHER post on Tina Fey. But wait, wait. Just like last time, this isn't just about Tina. OK, it's a little about Tina. But, mostly, it's about Tina's daughter, Alice. I've decided I want to be friends with Alice when she gets old enough for it not to be creepy. Fine, so that will never happen. It will always be creepy. But it's just that every time Tina talks about her daughter, she sounds hilarious. Like someone it would be fun to have a beer with or (given her age bracket) a bowl of strained peas. On Conan earlier this week, Alice was again the center of attention. See for yourself.

Come on, how cute was that? “Mommy, where's the lady?” And then, the coup de grĂ¢ce: “I think she is in the car, in the water.” I'm not even really a kid person and I'm all, awwww.

Oh and in case you missed it online or even if you watched it online because, seriously, this show needs all the ratings help it can get, the third season of “30 Rock” premieres tonight. If all my prolific praise can't sell you on the new season, then at least please let Tina herself try. It's only fair.

Man, I've been shilling this show so hard I feel like I deserve commission. Hey, NBC, throw a sleep-deprived blogger a coffee mug or something. I'm carrying some serious water for our gal. Wait, don't actually throw it. I'm rather uncoordinated, so it's probably hit me in the head and knock me out cold. And, well, then I wouldn't be able to watch “30 Rock.” OK, scratch the whole thing. I can't take chances like that.

p.s. If you can handle a dose of Regis & Kelly with your morning coffee, Tina will be on today. Personally, I'll probably need something a little stronger than coffee to make it through. The things I do for Tina, sheesh.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Drag racer

I am almost disturbingly attracted to Tilda Swinton when she wears a suit. She cuts such a handsome figure it brings large sections of my brain to a screeching halt. And then all I can think about is how quickly I could get that suit off. It seems only appropriate that these shots of Tilda come from L'Uomo Vogue, the men's version of Italian Vogue. Here she is gleefully channeling her inner Cary Grant and Clark Gable with a pinch of Oscar Wilde. The results are different and delicious, just like Tilda. What has always intrigued me about Tilda is her instinctual unconventionalism. A pretty face is a pretty face. But Tilda's face always makes you stop and think. This is not to say that she isn't pretty – quite the opposite. But that never seems to be her goal. Her goal is defiance and authenticity. And, hell, that's almost hotter than the suit. Almost.

[Photos via Sinful Caesar]

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Tank Top Tuesday

Some people say it with flowers, I say it with tank tops. As an added thank you for your generous contributions and enthusiastic support of our 8 Against 8 campaign (We raised $13,759 to fight Prop. 8!), I give you the return of Tank Top Tuesday. Really, FTD should consider creating a bouquet of a dozen tank tops in lieu of roses. Not only do they last longer, but they are also considerably more comfortable to wear. Just think of the untapped market for lesbian-themed “floral” arrangements. A bouquet of Birkenstocks. A garland of crisp cargo shorts. A vase filled with an autumnal-assortment of Chapsticks. But, for now, please accept these dozen tank tops as a token of my thanks. Click to enlarge each photo to truly appreciate the depths of my gratitude.

Emily DeschanelRachel ShelleyMissy PeregrymSummer GlauPinkIngrid Rubio[Hat tip, Maria!]

Billie Piper[Hat tip, Slym!]

Claire ForlaniRosario DawsonWinona RyderJennifer Beals, reduxNo, that last one isn't a tank top. You're welcome.

Monday, October 27, 2008

8 Against 8: Last Day - L Word Edition

Today is the last full day of our 8 Against 8 fundraiser to fight California's Proposition 8, which would create a constitutional ban on gay marriage in the state. We've blown past our original $8,000 goal and now want a big final push (like maybe doubling our original goal, hey, we can dream). Our campaign will officially end at 8 a.m. ET/5 a.m. PT Tuesday morning. We need all the help we can get to fight the “Yes on 8” people's scare tactics and misleading commercials. And that means giving money to the No on Prop. 8 side. Donate to 8 Against 8 here.

And, just to sweeten the deal, giving could turn into receiving here at Surrenders (wait, did that sound vaguely dirty? If not, it should have). Remember when I said to “save your donation confirmations” if/when you donate? Well, finally, here is where that begins to makes sense. I have 10 (yes, TEN) free copies of “The L Word: Season Five” complete DVD box sets to give away. So if you have already donated or donate today, send me a copy of your confirmation email and I will enter you in the contest.

The L Word returns to DVD with the complete fifth season on Oct. 28th in a collectible 4-disc set. DVD includes all 12 dramatic and deliciously provocative fifth season episodes from Showtime's successful long-running series featuring all the beauty, chaos and complexities of a group of women who inhabit Los Angeles' lesbian community plus behind-the-scenes special features.”

Now, in the interest of fairness and empty bank accounts, if you haven't donated you can still enter by putting your email address in the comments below. However, people who donate can (and should) also enter their email below for a second entry into the giveaway. Basically, if you've donated you can enter twice and therefore increase your chances of taking home Bette, Tina, Alice, Shane, Jenny & company.

In case you've forgotten what you're playing for in this contest, here is a quick refresher on the hotness that was TLW Season Five. (Warning: They get hotter the lower you scroll. Ahem.)

The contest is open to everyone (foreign and domestic), but winners outside of the United States and Canada will need to pay for shipping themselves (my apologies, but alas I'm Ms. Snarker, not Ms. Rockerfeller). I'll accept entries until Friday, Oct. 31. And, once again, my handy-dandy random number generator will pick the lucky winners.

Thank you so much for all of your support of 8 Against 8. If you can, please consider donating. And remember vote No on Prop. 8, California (and No on Prop. 2, Florida; No on Prop. 102, Arizona; No on Question #1, Connecticut and No on Act 1, Arkansas).

p.s. Each donation will get you an extra entry so go crazy, ladies and discerning gentlemen. Good Cause + Free Stuff + Lesbian Sex = Best. Giveaway. Ever.

UPDATE: Thanks for entering. Entries are now closed. The winners will be announced Tuesday Wednesday.

Friday, October 24, 2008

My Weekend Crush

Look, I know. I know. I'm kind of obsessed. Check that, I'm totally obsessed. But, bear with me on this one. This is not just another crush on Tina Fey. I swear. I promise. Fine, it's a little bit of a crush on Tina Fey. But, really, it's a crush on her show, “30 Rock.” The entire show. All of it and everyone. “30 Rock” is quite simply the smartest, funniest, best-written 30 minutes on television today. That this show doesn't have better ratings is one of the mysteries of the universe that keeps me up at night. (That and where the other sock disappears to in the there an alternate dimension composed solely of socks?)

The genius of “30 Rock” lies in its blending of the absurd and the everyday. Sure, not too many of us work behind the scenes on big-time TV shows, but we can all relate to its dysfunctional yet somehow familial (if you're lucky, that is) workplace. The relationship between mentors/foils/friends Jack and Liz, in particular, is sure to go down as one of the great comedic pairing of all time. But, really, it's the chemistry between the entire cast's seemingly disparate personalities that makes it sing. Without Alec Baldwin, without Tracy Morgan, without Jane Krakowski, without Jack McBrayer (and so on, and so on) the pieces wouldn't fit as perfectly. Plus, without Tracy I wouldn't be just one degree away from nirvana in my Six-Degrees of Tina Fey game. I met him a few years ago and he gave me a big hug. That dude is crazy, but in a nice way. (Also, is it just me or is Jane totally grabbing Tina's ass in this picture?)

With all the attention lavished on Tina of late, it seems the whole world has turned into Feynatics. Sure, those of us who have worshiped at the alter of Feyminism for years could scoff at all the Janey Come Latelys. But I'm much too happy that they're finally here to play my “I loved her first!”-card. So I dearly hope that this adulation turns into more eyeballs for “30 Rock.” This is a show that deserves an audience as big as its laughs. While the official third season premiere isn't until next Thursday, NBC and Hulu (and iTunes, if you get yourself a copy of TV Guide) have the episode available right now. Come on, it's Friday. Your boss is thinking about the 18th green anyway. Go ahead. Click play.

[Link expires Oct. 30, bummer, dude]

And if that wasn't enough to get you excited, in the second episode (airing Nov. 6) we get to see Tina in a full-on Princess Leia outfit. For the love of nerds, let it be the gold bikini. Happy weekend, all.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

8 Against 8 Update

Three days. It took you just three days to meet our goal of raising $8,000 in eight days. That is beyond even our wildest expectations. That's, well, that's just awesome. You guys are awesome. Thank you, thank you, 8,000-times thank you. 8 Against 8 started in the purest sense of a grassroots (or, more accurately, netroots) movement with an inspired email from Grace Chu of Grace the Spot. And now here we are, $8,000 closer to defeating Proposition 8. Gather close, virtual group hug.

But, of course, the fight doesn't end here. Far from it. The “Yes” people are still dangerously ahead in funding, by some reports as much as $40 million to our $25 million. That's an awful lot of scratch, and the agents of intolerance will use it to scratch away at our civil rights. Progress is painful, and we often stumble along the way. But if California lets a right be taken away from one group that it currently grants to all groups, it's not just a step backwards. It will forever be a black stain on our progress toward that more perfect union.

For me, the issue of gay marriage almost isn't really even about marriage. Marriage is an institution I respect, but still feel ambivalent about joining. What gay marriage represents is not just the union of two people until death do them part. Sure, that's the most important part. But it is also an acknowledgment by both society and the government that watches over us that these people's commitment should be respected. That these people's relationship is worthy of protection. That these people's union is real. It's not that gay couples seek to legitimize their relationships; we know we're legitimate. It's that we deserve to have the government see us as equal. Domestic partnerships, while an important baby step, are just another tired retread of the separate but equal argument. Equal is equal. And we won't stop fighting until we really are just that.

CLICK TO DONATEBut, hey, enough speechifying from yours truly. I know several of you are probably all, dude, where are the hot chicks in tank tops? I promise, there will be tank tops. But today, I would ask you to dig deep and give what you can. Check the couch cushions. Raid the laundry fund. Consider which organs are duplicate and therefore unnecessary (I kid, I can keep that second kidney, I guess). Let's see how much a band of 8 rag-tag bloggers and their thousands of wonderful, insightful, passionate, caring, sexy (too much?) readers can raise in 8 days to fight for what is right. Please, donate whatever you can at

And even if the cupboard is bare, you can help spread the word to your family, friends, coworkers, neighbors, the cranky guy who sits next to you on the bus. Join our Facebook page. Read about the fabulous prizes, giveaways and auctions. Also, don't forget, please keep your confirmation email after donating. It could become very handy in the future here at Surrenders. And by “handy,” I mean “you could win cool free stuff.”

Though, most important of all, if you live in California be sure to get out of bed on Nov. 4 and Vote No on Prop. 8. Or, if you live in Florida, Arizona or Connecticut, vote No on Prop. 2, No on Prop. 102 and No on Question 1. And for everyone else, keep up hope. A better, fairer world is possible. We can make it happen.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Adorable Alert Level: Puppy

Another day, another chance to post videos of cute people doing cute things. How cute? Puppy level cute. Yeah, that's pretty freaking cute. So, without further ado – because who wants to ado when you could just do – I give you the cuteness.

I Can Has Natalie and Rashida Sammich?

Never mind Henry Paulson and Ben Bernanke, Natalie Portman and Rashida Jones really know how to fix our current global economic crisis. Scientifically speaking, on a cuteness scale of 1 to 10, Natalie + Rashida + puppies = 1,275.

Honey Honey, Puppets Puppets

OK, so this one is less cute, more melancholy. But it has Feist and puppets, which in my book will always be worth a look. Here is her new video for “Honey Honey.” It is a beautiful song with a fascinating video and, best of all, it has absolutely no shot of being played into the ground in another iPod commercial. Bliss.

Get Off My Lawn, Yes on Prop. 8 People

No puppies in this one either, but if an ad about a serious issue can be deemed cute, this is the one. The Notorious C.H.O. and friend Selene Luna explain why Proposition 8 sucks. And, if you haven't already, please consider donating to 8 Against 8. Also, pssst – come closer – word on the street is that everyone who donates will be in the running for some fabulous prizes here at Surrenders, so keep your confirmation emails. Wait, I've said too much.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Clark Kent, lesbian style

I'm just going to flat-out say it. Damn, that's sexy. Hello, Rachel Maddow, lesbian pin-up. Pardon my broad generalization, but that's sexy in a way that is almost exclusively lesbian. It's certainly not a stereotypically straight aesthetic. And that's why it's so hot.

And, yes, this probably means that my political bias is showing. Good, I'm glad. In the interest of full disclosure I want everyone to know that I am indeed The L Word. I'm a L...L...L...Liberal. Whew, I said it. Really, saying it out loud is the hardest part. I'm a Liberal. I'm an open, out, totally unabashed Liberal. And I'm proud of it. I also don't mind being called progressive, left-wing, bleeding-heart or foxy. What? I just wanted to see if I could slip that last one in.

So back to The Sexy called Rachel. What I love about Rachel is that she seems so comfortable in everything that she is. A woman. A progressive. A lesbian. A smarty pants. A self-described dork. And this weekend's New York Times Magazine only confirmed my best suspicions about Rachel. She is so incredibly gay, it's adorable. [Hat tip, the equally adorable StuntDouble!]

Read the whole interview here, but let me give you my 8 (since that number is on my mind) highlights – or should I say gaylights. Seriously, she's so gay.
  1. Always on her: A handkerchief. One of my liabilities as a broadcaster is that I am little teary. Having a handkerchief is handy. My partner, Susan Mikula, buys me cute ones.
  2. Always in fridge: Champagne. I always keep a bottle, because you might need to celebrate at any moment, and a bunch of mustard, because I am a mustard person.
  3. Clothing item a talk-show host needs: For me, it is sneakers, which I can wear 80 percent of the time, secretly behind the desk. That reminds me who I am, even though I am dressed up like an assistant principal in order to meet the minimum dress code for being on television.
  4. Fictional character she identifies with: Wally Cleaver. Cause he is a dork.
  5. She drives: I have a seven-year-old Ford pickup. Remember, I have to go to the dump.
  6. By her bed: Comic books. I read comics sometimes and graphic novels. I appreciate that genre.
  7. Hobby: I am a hobbyist bartender. I have a liquor cabinet. I research classic drinks from the golden age of American cocktails and I make them for me and Susan.
  8. Favorite place to shop: Not applicable. I don’t shop.

As I was saying... So. Totally. Gay. I love it. And, in case that wasn't enough the NYT had to go and show us her at home. I've taken the liberty of pointing out the awesome.

[Click for closer examination]

And if that still wasn't quite gay enough, dude, check out her ride.

Monday, October 20, 2008

8 Against 8

Today I'm proud to announce my participation in 8 Against 8. What is 8 Against 8, you ask? Well, we're cool like the Jackson 5, but way more ethical than the Keating Five. In short, we're eight lesbian blogs that have banded together to fight California's Proposition 8. As I've written about before, Prop. 8 would permanently amend the state's constitution to define marriage as only between a man and a woman. This would effectively re-ban gay marriage and overturn the state supreme court's ruling legalizing the unions. In short, it would be terrible.

So who are the 8 Against 8?

Grace Chu from Grace the Spot has spearheaded 8 Against 8 to harness all our awesome homo powers for good. So what are we trying to do? Raise $8,000 in eight days. And that is where you come in. If you can, please go to the 8 Against 8 website and donate to Equality California. All of the money raised will go directly to Equality California's No on Prop. 8 Campaign.

I know times are tough for everyone. Hell, I've made a pledge not to look at my financial statements unless drunk. But any amount you can afford would help tremendously. As of last week, Equality California said it was $10 million behind the “Yes on 8” fundraising. That's seven zeros, folks. Much of the “Yes” campaign's money has come from out of state and been driven by the Mormon Church. We can do better. To sweeten the deal, donors/businesses who give more than $100 will get free advertising on some of the sites as well as a slew of other prizes at various donation levels – check them out here). All donors will get all of my, and the other bloggers', eternal thanks – not to mention the thanks of every gay and gay-friendly person in California.

Gay marriage has been legal here in sunny California since June. And, as far as I can tell, the very fabric of our existence has not been torn asunder. Heterosexual couples have not seen the foundations of their marriages crumble into dust. Churches have not burst into flames in the fiery clutches of Beelzebub. Nothing remotely close. Pretty much, nothing has happened except that a bunch of happy, loving, grateful gay folks got to exchange rings and feed each other cake.

So, from today until Oct. 27, please give a little or a lot. If you can't afford to contribute give please by spreading the word. Use the logo, link 8 Against 8 (, tell your friends, family, neighbors. Politics is personal, and not much is more personal than being able to marry who you love. I wish the rabid “Yes on 8,” “Protect Marriage” crowd would really look at what they are so against. Because if this scares you or inspires your hatred, I think it says a lot more about you than it does the people who just vowed to love each other until death do them part.

[Wedding via Foomatic. Music via Vienna Teng]

Donate to 8 Against 8. Vote no on Prop. 8. Protect love.

UPDATE I: Many, many, many thanks to all who have already donated and linked. The button for 8 Against 8 will stay on the right-hand corner of Surrenders until the campaign ends Oct. 27 with daily updates on our progress toward our $8,000 goal. You all should be exceedingly proud that in the first 24-hours we raised $2,789. As Keanu would say, whoa. Let's keep it going, ladies and discerning gentlemen. No, money can't buy you love. But maybe if we all band together it can buy us a little equality.

UPDATE II: Please don't forget our friends in Arizona and Florida who are fighting their own wretched anti-gay marriage amendments, as well as Connecticut where sneaky Question 1 could spell trouble. No on Prop. 2, Floridians, No on Prop. 102, Arizonans, and No on Question 1, Connecticuters!

Palin, out

There is a fine line between laughing with and laughing at someone. Laughing with implies you are in on the joke. Laughing at means you're the joke. This prepositional disclaimer is an important preface to this past weekend's “Saturday Night Live” featuring the world's most famous hockey mom and under-qualified vice presidential candidate. Sarah Palin again proved that she can ably read from a cue card and happily serve as set dressing. Does she get good sport points for going on in the first place? Sure. Would I rather she actually hold her first official press conference to face reporter questions instead? You betcha.

While I was worried that Palin's appearance might sway some “Gosh, she seems spunky” sympathy and therefore votes her way, in the end it was just another reminder of why it's so appropriate that she is the governor of Alaska. Just call her the Yukon Territory of comedy gold. And no one mined it better than Tina Fey and Amy Poehler. Hell, you could practically hear them screaming “Eureka!” From “fancy pageant walkin'” to “all the mavericks in the house put your hands up,” I could not love those two more. No, really, it's not physically possible. And, oh God, the moose – the moose was genius.

First Tina.

Oh, Tina. You made me proud to be among those in the “anti-American” states of New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Delaware and California.

Then Amy.

As much as I love anything and everything about Tina, I will happily admit that Amy totally stole the show. Someone get this girl a record contract. That was the most simultaneously hilarious and hardcore rap I've ever seen. And, dude, Eskimos!

While most people were clamoring for it, I was a little relieved that Tina and Sarah only shared a split-second on screen. Look at me, getting all protective like Alec Baldwin of “our Tina” from “that horrible woman.”

Though, in case you were having one of those world-colliding moments at even the briefest sight of them together, here is a handy guide to tell them apart.

Friday, October 17, 2008

My Weekend Sexy

To make up for the extreme tardiness of My Weekend Crush today, I’m going to give you an extra special crush sexy. Consider this my sincere mea culpa. But before you hit play, please be sure to take these simple precautions. 1) Be in a private area. 2) Be seated. 3) Be sure the floor surrounded your seat is covered in cushions or other such soft padding that can break one’s fall. Are you ready? Are you sure? OK, now you can press play. [Pauses to allow for 43 seconds of sheer, utter, uninhibited sexy]

Ohmygodhowfuckinghotwasthat? That was Thirteen getting it on like Donkey Kong on next Tuesday’s episode of “House” titled (wait for it, wait for it) “Lucky Thirteen.” Lucky, indeed. I think that may be the single hottest, longest, screen meltingest girl-on-girl action to ever be aired in the primetime broadcast TV “family hour” of 8 p.m. That sound you’ll hear Tuesday night is the sound of millions of DVRs pressing rewind, rewind, rewind. But, lucky for you, you can just hit replay now. You’re welcome. Just don’t wear out the button. And, of course, you know what I mean by “button.” Ahem. All is forgiven about that tardy crush now, right? Right. Really, really happy weekend, all.

My Weekend Crush

Wow, I take one night off (and the subsequent morning to recuperate…ahem) and the natives get restless. But, oh, how I am happy that there are natives at all, guarding the village, ready to perform tribal rituals and eager for fresh snarkrifice. In lieu of a traditional crush (because, ladies and discerning gentlemen, it’s way too late for that), how about a My Weekend Crush: Video Edition? I’ve been so scattered this week, it’s hard to focus the full magnitude of my Crushitude on one special lady anyway. I’ve crushed all these lovelies before. But as scrumptious as they are in still, they’re always better in motion. Here are My Weekend Crushes, all in action this week. Happy weekend, all.

Tina Fey on Letterman tonight

Can. Not. Wait.

Amy Sedaris on Letterman Tuesday

I know you don’t drink, so we’d start with some cocktails.

Sara Ramirez on Grey’s Thursday

The Mason-Dixon Line...of your pants.

p.s. Don’t worry, Brooke Smith is totally on my list.

Please hold

Your weekend crush is coming. Please check back tonight.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Mind & Body Break

Sometimes you just need a Mind & Body Break. Today, well, today is one of those days. Now, when I say Mind & Body Break, I don't mean a day at the spa...though, now that I think about it, that wouldn't be too bad either. No, I mean a Mind & Body Break in the sense that with a couple of clicks both your mind and body will feel refreshed. Think it's impossible? Just watch.

First, the Body. Please let the fabulous Ms. Knowles work it out for you. I swear, if I could just once make my hips move like B does here, I could die a happy woman. Where my single ladies at? Beyoncé dance break in the middle of the room, immediately.

And now, the Mind. I watched this video four times in a row yesterday. I did this because it made me feel good. And not in the usual, “Awww, isn't that a cute kitten!” “Hey, is that dog riding a tricycle?” way many other videos make you feel good. No, this made me feel better because it made me believe we really can make the world a better place. In these terribly uncertain and unsatisfying times, I think what we all really want is to know that we can still make a difference. Find out more about The Girl Effect. Go girl, indeed. [Hat tip, Shakesville!]

See, a little fun for the Body, a little fuel for the Mind. Who needs a stupid spa anyway?

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Behind the 8-Ball

Election seasons get heated. I get that. People get passionate about their politics. I totally get that. But as I've driven around these past few days and seen yard signs proudly displayed for “Yes on 8: Protect Marriage,” I simply don't get that. Actually, I get it. I understand that there are people who believe gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people should not be allowed to marry, let alone exist. I just don't get that in the year 2008, there are people who still think it is OK to publicly flaunt their prejudices so openly. Proposition 8, for those unfamiliar or living outside this big goofy place we call California, would permanently amend the state constitution to ban gay marriage. So all those happy, smiling, beautiful couples who got married this year thanks to the state supreme court overturning the previous ban on gay marriage would have their unions invalidated by the state. Wow, so much for family values.

At first, I wasn't too worried about Prop. 8. Public opinion on the issue had shifted. People were more accepting. Massachusetts led the way. And just last week Connecticut joined us in equality. Plus, hey, this is California. But then I started to see the ads. These horrible, despicable, hateful ads play to people's most base fears. Children will be taught gay marriage in schools! Churches will lose their tax exemption! Run for your lives, the gays are coming! (I can't bring myself to post or even link to their bile, so search “Yes on 8” yourself if you must...just be sure to have a strong stomach). And then I heard how the “Yes” people had raised more cash than the “No” folks, in spite of high-profile donations from stars like Brad Pitt, Steven Spielberg, Kate Capshaw and T.R. Knight and support from big names like Ellen DeGeneres, Margaret Cho and a slew of other famous folks. Thankfully the “No on Prop. 8” folks have pushed back forcefully against the hate. Still, I'm worried.

There is no way for me to not feel this vote viscerally. Each “Protect Marriage,” sign I see is like a kick in the gut. Each house I pass sends a pang through my body. The people in that house think I shouldn't be allowed to marry. The people in that house think I don't deserve the same rights as everyone else. The people in that house think I am fundamentally wrong. It hurts – it hurts a lot. This is not what America is all about. In the land of the free and the home of the brave, what is more free than letting people marry who they love and what is more brave than accepting someone despite his or her differences? Who I marry doesn't diminish who you marry in any way, shape or form. Love is love. Hate is hate. Which do you want people to feel as they walk down the aisle? Come on, California, vote No on Prop. 8. Protect love.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Tina Fey Tuesday

A whole week without Tina Fey and I’m starting to twitch. Seriously, I’m coming down with the cold sweats. But, luckily for me, my Tina has been all over the news lately. And by all over the news, I mean everywhere. Writing a book. Appearing on Dave Letterman this Friday. She seems to be everywhere except, curiously, her own show “30 Rock.” The series still won't premiere for another 16 days (yes, I counted). I know I'm not the only one who is impatiently waiting for the return of Liz Lemon on Oct. 30. Heck, even The New York Times is getting antsy.

To hold us over until then, NBC whets our appetites with a sneak peek at the deluge of very-special guest stars coming to visit 30 Rockerfeller Center this season including Oprah, Jennifer Aniston, Steve Martin and Megan Mullally.

Not included in the preview, but no less noteworthy, is Salma Hayek who plays Jack's love interest in two episodes. Here she is filming. Tina and Salma and, um, the girls – I may pass out.

But enough teasing. I want the main course. Bring on the Rock. Though seeing Tina and Megan side-by-side I thought for a second that I'd stumbled into the First Annual Sarah Palin Impersonators Convention by accident.

Speaking of she who should not be vice president, Tina had a few thoughts on what she would do if Moose & Squirrely actually made it into office:

“If she wins, I'm done. I can't do that for four years. And by 'I'm done,' I mean I'm leaving Earth.”

Oh, Tina, if you're leaving the planet then I'm coming with you. I hear Mars is nice, and it even has ice. And you know what that means, right? Margaritas! Getting blitzed with Tina on a Palin-free planet? Sign me up, you betcha.

UPDATE: It’s true, it’s true! Only T-minus 9 days until the new season of “30 Rock” premieres online.

Monday, October 13, 2008

And the winners are...

Thanks to everyone (all 124 of you!) who entered the “Closer: The Best of Sarah McLachlan” CD giveaway. If I had 124 copies, I'd give you all one. I mean it. For serious. And thanks so much for sharing your stories, too. See, I told you lesbians love Sarah. Via the random number generator doodad, the winners are:
  • Allison
  • J9
  • Penny Cillin
  • AGM
  • Ravaj

Congratulations! And if you didn't win, don't worry, more giveaways are coming. Please enjoy the music.

You turn me on with your androgyny

I love a woman in a suit. Period. Full stop. I also love Cate Blanchett and Tilda Swinton. Period. Full stop. But after that, things get complicated. You see, both Cate and Tilda have this delicious habit of posing in suits. Lots and lots and lots of suit. And, to be perfectly honest, I can't decide which I prefer more in a suit. They're both Oscar winners. They're both cinematic chameleons. They're both sexy as all get out. Oh, the anguish. But then I decided, why choose? Why put myself through that needless torture when I could just have both, together, all suited up and gender bendy. Double your pleasure, double your fun.

At this point I could easily make some crack about double-breasted suits, but I'm going to go against type and use self restraint. Gosh, I guess wearing a suit really does class up a joint.